Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog

Monday, May 14, 2007

Residual Income Opportunity

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Earning , Leveraging Your Efforts.

If you were to open a business today, any business, would it be one that sold a one-time item, or something that people kept coming back for? If I were to put the effort into getting a customer once, I would want to keep them as customer for as long as possible.

Earning has become one of the most popular business models for . Why go through all the effort to get someone to buy just one widget when you can get him or her to pay for your widget and the widget sharpening service every month?

Prospective customers usually need to see your ad, product or service several times before they feel comfortable enough to buy. That means getting your ad in front as many people as possible. It’s a numbers game that must be played but why not at least put it to work for you?

For your first business you may want to keep costs down and work on just producing any amount of income, while still learning the ropes. With residual , since someone else is earning a r from your efforts, you should have plenty of support and training from the program you choose.

Do not go into a residual assuming that all you need to do is sign on and pay a small monthly fee and others will do the work for you. If you go in with this mentality you will most likely fail to produce the results your looking for.

Read the whole artice here:Residual Income Opportunity

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

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  • Most people fail at building a strong residual income Because they neither have the patience or the funds to withstand months of no income while paying out hundreds of dollars monthly for product and advertising. The people who are successful use "funded proposals".
    They make upfront money promoting a product and then backend the opportunity.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:02 PM  

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