How You Can Start Making Money Online in Only Minutes
How You Can Start Making Money Online in Only Minutes... Without Even Designing Your Own Web Site!
Back in the early days of Internet marketing, there wasn't much you could do to get started with marketing your business online until you actually launched your own web site.
Before you could make money, you had to:
- Choose a domain
- Set up your hosting
- Design your web site
- Put it all online
- Optimize and test your web site
But maybe you want the chance to "get your feet wet" before you commit to building a web site and getting really serious about marketing your business online.
Or maybe you're trying to discover your online business niche: the problem you want to solve, the people you want to sell to, and the best possible way to create a viable business. Maybe you don't want to commit to a web site until you've had a better chance to experiment with different ideas.
Well, fortunately for Web newbies, there are more options for getting started with e-commerce than ever before! Now you can actually market and sell products without ever creating your own web site.
In this newsletter, we're going to take a look at some of the easiest ways to get started online today:
Start selling on the world's biggest e-commerce site:
Start a blog in under five minutes and reach a whole new market on the Internet!
Use Google Page Creator to instantly create a presence on the Web
... as well as the quickest way -- once you're ready -- to start up a fully functioning web site of your very own.
So can you take advantage of these tools to make your first online profits today? Keep reading to find out!
Start selling on eBay and get access to millions of potential buyers! is the hottest e-commerce site on the Web today, and for good reason:
More than two million people visit every single day, spending an average of TWO HOURS navigating through eBay's pages and listings
More than $1,000 in sales happen on eBay every single second!
72% of eBay users have incomes in excess of $50,000 per year -- so they come ready to spend!
And -- most important to you -- 95% of eBay users are individuals or small businesses. eBay is clearly a place where newbies can go to find instant profit and success.
Getting started on eBay will take you LESS than one hour in total.
Within minutes, you'll be ready to set up your new auction listings. That means you can see your first online profits TODAY!
And while those listings will cost you only pennies to place on eBay's pages, you gain immediate access to millions of buyers who are looking for items just like yours.
To get started selling on eBay today, go to:
But what items are you going to sell?
This is the real beauty of eBay: there is a market for practically everything on the giant online auction site!
The easiest way to get started is to sell off some old items you no longer need from your basement or storage space. This will allow you to get the hang of writing up a description and creating a listing without having to invest in a product to sell. After all, everything you make from these sales is pure profit -- so you have nothing to lose!
If you have a product you are already interested in selling on eBay, check out how other sellers are marketing these products. How much are they going for? What makes their auctions appealing? How many bidders do they attract?
If you're not sure what you want to sell, try checking out what products are popular at
While you might not want to sell the items that everyone is searching for -- guaranteeing you some serious competition -- you can sell items RELATED to those products and generate a ton of interest in your listings.
eBay offers free tools for setting up and promoting your listings. Your only expenses on eBay are are your listing fees, plus a small percentage of your selling price.
Getting started on eBay is easy -- anyone can do it in less than an hour. But to build a hugely profitable eBay business takes some advanced strategies and techniques.
Once you're ready to take your eBay business to the next level, I recommend you check out the "eBay Millionaire" secrets we reveal here:
Blogs (or weblogs) are frequently updated web sites that show the newest content at the top of the page. The other content usually follows in the order it was posted.
Business blogs have become one of the hottest tools for marketing on the Web today. And while some companies use them to promote their products in addition to their main web sites, you don't need to have a web site -- or even have a business yet -- to start a blog.
Anyone can create a blog for free and have an active, functioning presence online in just minutes! Even complete Internet "newbies" find the set-up process simple and easy to understand. You don't have to know anything about web design or pay a single cent for a domain name or web hosting.
And once you've got your blog online, you can start making money instantly! Here's how...
Start a Google AdSense campaign to generate advertising revenue from your blog. It's easy to set up an AdSense account, and have targeted ads displayed to your online readers. This can be a great source of revenue, though of course the amount of income you can expect from your AdSense ads will depend on the amount of traffic to your blog. The more traffic you receive, the more people are likely to click through the ads displayed on your site -- and the more revenue for you!
Join an affiliate program -- or a few affiliate programs! -- and start promoting their products on your blog. You don't even need your own product to get started! You can place ads for your affiliate products on your blog, or write articles or product reviews that contain your affiliate link. You receive a percentage of each sale made when readers click through your links and make a purchase.
Sell products directly from your blog: If you do have a product that you're ready to sell, you can write articles on your blog telling readers about the benefits of your widget. Once they get excited about what you have to offer and decide to take action, you can direct them with a sidebar button to your PayPal account (which is free and easy to set up.)
With PayPal, they can order your product and pay for it in seconds -- even with their credit cards! And it only takes you a few moments to get set up to take payments.
You can create a blog in five minutes, absolutely free, with a free blog hosting service. These are considered the top options for blogging beginners:
- Blogger (
- Yahoo! 360 (
- MSN Spaces (
- LiveJournal (
If you're looking for more tips for generating traffic and profits with your blog, check out
Use Google Page Creator to get free exposure on the 'Net -- AND travel up the search engine rankings!
Google Page Creator is a brand-new program that enables anyone with a Google ID to set up their very own web site in just minutes!
When Google Page Creator Beta was launched just over a month ago, the sign-up page was overrun with visitors looking to get their very own Google Page Creator account. So much so, in fact, that they had to stop taking submissions that same day!
Why was everyone so eager to get involved with Google Pages? Well, the most obvious benefit of the program is that your pages are rapidly indexed by the Google search engine spiders.
Some new web site owners spend a ton of time and effort trying to show up in search engine results for their keywords, but with a Google Page, you jumpstart that process.
Within minutes, you have a fully functioning web site that you can use to make money online right away.
You can generate profits with Google Page Creator in much the same way as with a blog...
You can promote your own product on your Google Page with a salesletter or ad, and then direct your visitors to your PayPal checkout system to purchase your product right away.
You can also promote other people's products on your Google Page through content, links, or ads, and make quick cash from affiliate commissions.
And naturally, Google Pages are the perfect place to set up a Google AdSense campaign...
When your account is approved, Google offers a simple page setup process with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor. You can add your own text by typing it straight into the editor, or by cutting and pasting from any kind of text file. You can also upload pictures, create links, and even edit the raw HTML code if you wish.
In fact, it's never been easier to set up your own web site!
In order to get started with Google Page Creator, you'll need a Google ID, which you can sign up for at:
Once you've got an account, you can head to the Page Creator homepage ( to add your name to the waiting list -- at this point, they are not taking real-time submissions.
Of course, if you're getting serious about starting a business online, we always recommend that you create a web site of your own...
And nowadays, with domains and hosting cheaper than they've ever been before, and with tons of inexpensive -- and FREE -- tools available to help you get set up, there's no reason to put off creating your very own presence on the Web...
Set up a professional-looking web site in minutes with easy-to-use web site templates
These days, you don't need to know a thing about HTML or web design to get a great looking site up and running in no time at all. The secret is to start building your pages with a template web site creator.
Prices vary from company to company, but you can usually get a template site up and running for as low as $2.99 a month, depending on the features and functions you want to build into your web site.
Most basic packages include a domain name, web hosting, an easy-to-use site template, photo uploading capability, and a limited number of domain-specific e-mail accounts.
You can be completely up and running with your new web site in the space of just a day or two, depending on the length of the company's approval or acceptance process.
While template sites can't be customized as completely as regular web sites, the margin for error and mistakes is much, much smaller than with an independent, do-it-yourself web design process. You can get all your newbie errors out of the way at a minimum of expense!
Most companies will charge a little more per month to integrate a shopping cart or e-commerce functionality into your template site, but you can also opt to add a payment system of your own choosing to your pages.
(Remember: PayPal is always free to sign up, and the easiest system for entrepreneurs who are just getting started online.)
If a template web site creator is what you're looking for, check out the solution we recommend at They offer a full range of resources like...
- attractive templates
- useful extras like photo gallery software and search engine tools
- domain research and sales
- strong customer service
- web hosting
... and all for reasonable prices that won't break the bank for a first-time business owner.
Template sites are a great starting point if you want to get your site up and running right away and start experimenting with e-commerce opportunities. However, as your business grows, you will likely need to develop a site of your own that allows you more control over the look and functionality of your online presence.
Final thoughts
It's never been easier to build an e-commerce presence online than it is now, with the rise in popularity of blogging, auction web sites like, quick web hosting solutions like Google Page Creator, and template web site solutions.
Each of these options offers you the opportunity to determine the viability of your business model, test your strategies and salescopy, establish a ranking in the search engines, and gain credibility and a reputation in your industry.
Best of all, you can get started making money online TODAY.
And once your business is underway and you're ready to set up a web site of your own, you can also use all of quick start options we've talked about today to continue to market your products...
Use a blog to grab a great position in search engine rankings, and then drive traffic to your sales web site!
Use a Google Page to drive another stream of traffic to your site!
Use eBay to test new products, sell off old or damaged inventory, or create a new revenue stream for your business!
It's never been easier to get started on the Web than it is today -- so what are you waiting for?