Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Best Internet Marketing Strategies Are Usless Without This

Even if you master each and every one of the best Internet marketing
strategies out there -- sales copywriting, search engine optimization,
email marketing, and the rest -- they're not worth a dime if you
forget about customer service

It's a strategy that every truly successful business knows about and
pays careful attention to... because the one thing ALL successful
businesses have in common is customers. Satisfied customers

Today, I want to show you how to make every one of your customers a
satisfied customer -- so happy that they'll return again and again, AND
send new customers your way.

I'll look at several proven ways you can do this, including:

  • Reducing the risk for your customers to get more

  • Going that extra mile to get more repeat
    business and more referrals from delighted customers

  • Providing great after-sales support to keep
    customers coming back

  • Personalizing your offers to make your customers
    remember you

  • Listening to your customers to keep them loyal
    to your business

So let's take a look at some great examples of customer service from
across the spectrum -- online, offline, retail, service, hospitality...
anywhere the customer is Number One!

Why good customer service is ESSENTIAL for online

There's an old saying in business: A happy customer will tell
one or two people, an unhappy one will tell 10!

So it pays to keep your customers happy -- and never more so than
when doing business online.

In the Internet age, a seriously ticked-off customer might not only
tell 10 people, they might also write a lengthy rant on their blog, post
comments on other people's blogs, write a negative review of your site
on a shopping web site, or criticize you on forums and message boards.
Or all of the above!

In extreme cases, some unhappy customers even start web sites or
blogs devoted to airing their grievances about a particular company.
Microsoft, UPS, and Wal-Mart are all among the -- mostly corporate --
targets of customers with a grudge.

While small businesses are unlikely to be targeted in such a way, the
viral nature of the Internet means that a negative comment about your
company can spread faster than a fire in a matchbox.

And worse, once something has been written about you online, it's
very difficult to get it removed. This means that any prospective
customer who decides to "Google" your business name could come
across it.

So, while good customer service might cost some time and money, bad
customer service costs you prospective customers and their lifetime
value. Think how much losing even just 10 sales would cost you, and
compare it to the extra sales you'll gain from making your customers

And case study after case study shows that building good customer
service into a business also increases efficiency, as well as sales.

The stronger your guarantee, the more sales you'll generate -- guaranteed!

The guarantee offered by mail-order retailer Lands' End, simply says,
"Guaranteed. Period." Shoppers can return their items anytime
and for any reason.

It's a customer service strategy that serves them well. In fact, they
market their company on the back of it, calling it, "The most watertight guarantee in the business."

And just in case you think Lands' End is a big corporation whose
strategies don't apply to you, I should mention this has been one of the
foundations of their business since they were a three-man operation
doing mail order out of their store basement.

Most importantly, Lands' End stands by that guarantee...
to the extent that one of their catalogs featured the story of a man who
returned an antique car he'd purchased... several years after he bought

First of all, the company sells clothes, not cars -- he'd bought the
car through a special promotion. And second, he'd been driving around in
it for a while. But, by honoring the guarantee in such a way, they
turned the story of a returned car into a marketing vehicle for their
excellent customer service.

And it worked. Here you are reading about it!

You can be sure that the goodwill and word-of-mouth publicity
generated by accepting such an "unusual" return more than
offset the cost of refunding the car buyer.

That's the lesson here: A strong, well-written guarantee -- one you
stand by unconditionally -- is not only good customer service, but it is
proven to actually increase sales by...

  • Removing any risk on the part of the buyer and
    giving them the confidence to buy from you.

  • Boosting your credibility as a trustworthy
    seller who believes in your product, and who's willing to back up
    your belief in it.

Now, some people worry about being ripped off by unscrupulous buyers
who purchase an item, get everything they want from it, and then return
it to take advantage of the guarantee. It happens, but not often -- as
long as you offer an excellent product!

At IMC, we've been offering a one-year refund on our Insider
course for years -- and only very rarely does anyone take
us up on the guarantee.

Our tests show that you'll receive fewer returns with a one year
guarantee than with a six-month guarantee, and a six-month guarantee
will bring in fewer returns than a 30-day guarantee.

Bottom line... the stronger your guarantee, the more sales you'll
generate -- and the fewer returns you'll actually get.

Keep your customers coming back by providing MORE
services than they expect

Why not go that extra mile and provide EXTRA services that
add value to your offer?
These are often known as "loss
leaders" because, while they may cost you a little extra up front,
the payoff comes in the form of more referrals and more repeat business.

Or you can even use your excellent customer service as part of your
offer and charge a little more, knowing that your customers will be
willing to pay the extra for all the services you provide. (This is
something well worth testing.)

Take the example of a dry cleaner I read about recently who offers
the best customer service possible to keep people coming back to him...
and it turns out that his customers are more than willing to pay a
little more for the many extra services he offers.

Instead of just taking dirty clothes from customers and returning
them spick-and-span, this dry cleaner decided to offer his customers
much more, including:

  • Free pick-up and delivery

  • Folding or hanging cleaned clothes according to preference

  • Wrapping shirts in plastic with a piece of cardboard to help
    maintain their shape

  • Providing a sturdy laundry bag (with his logo on it, of course!)

This guy understands that his customers are busy, and anything he can
do to make their lives easier will be appreciated -- and be worth paying
more for.

So he not only cleans clothes, he provides convenience and turns a
tedious chore into a pleasant and painless experience.

And does providing great, value-added customer service like this work
in terms of retaining customers and attracting new ones? You bet... I
found this story through a happy customer's blog!

The other interesting thing about this story is that the dry cleaner
advertises some of his extra services, but not others, meaning that his
new customers are often very pleasantly surprised by the extra services
they receive.

And ALL customers love to be surprised with a little extra bonus they
didn't expect!

An example from the online business world is a recent IMC Secrets
To Their Success
story -- David Kern of He sells a
nutritional supplement derived from apple peel, and gives away a free
mini-sample of his product with every order.

Is it worth it?

Definitely, according to David, who says, "Our cost is a few
dollars. One new client is worth hundreds or thousands in lifetime
value. I like the math!"

Provide killer after-sales support to get more repeat

Another way to over-deliver is to provide excellent AFTER-SALES

One mistake many business owners make is that they think their job is
done after that first sale. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A quick after-sales email or phone call to check that everything is
OK with a purchase can be really appreciated by customers. It can also
relieve any feelings of "buyer's remorse" they might have, reinforcing
the positive feelings about your business
they had when they
originally bought from you.

And, by checking in with your customers, you can find out a lot about
how they use your product -- and what they like and dislike about it --
so you can refine your product and marketing. You can also head off any
problems BEFORE they become complaints.

Or why not just say, "Thank you" to your customers? Don't
try to sell to them. Just send them a letter or email thanking them for
their business and telling them that you value them as customers.

The fact is, you spend so much time and money promoting your products
to get that first sale that it's worth spending just a little extra to
make sure your new customers come back, and tell their friends.

Make it personal: Keep track of your customers' likes
and dislikes and they'll be back

What's the one word that is guaranteed to turn your head when you
hear it?

Your name.

Think how nice it is when a bank teller greets you by name or a hotel
receptionist remembers you from a previous visit.

The fact is, personalizing your communications with customers is
another proven marketing AND customer service strategy.

But personalization doesn't just mean addressing your customers by
name. It also means providing -- or at least appearing to provide --
personalized service.

Like the garage that makes a note of when your next car service is
due -- and sends you a letter or calls you with a reminder.

Or the corner store owner who remembers that you like a particular
flavor of canned soup and orders more in for you.

Or the coffee shop barista who remembers your favorite drink!

Personalization is one of the oldest customer service strategies in
the book... because it works!

Later on, I'll tell you exactly how you can use this strategy to
build a more personal relationship with your online customers.

Listen to customer concerns and ACT ON THEM... or

If there are two things that define BAD customer service, it's these:

  1. Not listening to your customers

  2. Not acting on any complaints or concerns

Ignoring customers when they complain or raise a concern, and then
not doing anything to remedy the situation is a surefire way to
destroy your reputation

Most of your customers are reasonable. They know that things go
wrong, that people make mistakes, and that sometimes things happen that
are simply unavoidable.

But, they still like you to acknowledge that you've made a mistake,
and to know that you'll do your best to keep it from happening.

That's why good restaurants will give you a free bottle of wine if
your meal is late in arriving, or provide a free desert if they get your
order wrong, or replace a poorly prepared dish -- no questions asked.

Because if they DON'T do those things... well, would you go back? Of
course not. And you'd probably tell your friends and co-workers not to
go their either. Whammo. Lost business.

So, if and when a customer complains, here's what you need to do to
avoid potentially losing not only their future business, but that of
anyone else they tell about the situation:

  • Don't hide -- make it easy for someone to contact you with a

  • Remember, the customer IS always right

  • Be quick to acknowledge and apologize for any mistakes

  • Tell customers what you have done to remedy the situation and to
    make sure it won't happen again

  • Don't offer empty apologies -- use your judgment to decide
    whether you should offer a refund or other compensation

The blog software provider Six Apart famously offered their Typepad
blog customers up to 45 days worth of free blog hosting as compensation
for a period of serious disruption to their service.

They did lose customers, but they also retained many who appreciated
the gesture.

Sometimes, just acknowledging your mistake and apologizing IS enough.
On the flip side, the cost of NOT listening to your customers can be

Making your customers happy makes your job easier --
and more profitable!

Now that you've seen how important customer service is to your
business, here are some simple strategies to get you started:

Step #1: Automate your sales process to keep customers in
the loop.

Use autoresponders to thank your customers for their order, welcome
them to your opt-in email list, and send them order confirmations and
other transactional emails like, "Your item has shipped"

Customers have come to expect these courtesies, but not everyone
online bothers.

And you can even add a surprise element to these customer service
emails by including a coupon for money off their next purchase, or
some extra information they'll find relevant to the product they've

Autoresponders also let you send follow-up after a customer has
bought from you to ask if everything is all right and if there's
anything further you can do.

Even though you can create these autoresponders in no time, they
make customers feel that you're paying attention to them.

Step #2: Create a comprehensive FAQ (Frequently Asked

An FAQ answers most of the questions people might have about your
products or services. You should put it on a page on your web
, and create an FAQ autoresponder (an
automatic email sent to any customer who emails a particular email
address, such as info@[mysite].com).

To make your FAQ most effective, don't just make up the questions
and answers -- keep track of the questions that customers or site
visitors actually ask, and answer them.

With those common questions taken care of, you'll be freed
to spend time giving personal attention to the 10% or so
that require it.

The people who find what they need in the FAQ are satisfied
immediately, and those who need something extra get it without having
to wait a long time for you to get around to them.

The more quickly you handle their concerns the more impressed
they'll be.

And you'll also stand out in the crowd -- a recent Pelorus Group
study found that a shocking 42% of retail web sites
take five days or longer to respond to customers!

It's often the times when you respond to a customer's concerns promptly
and personally
that generate a huge amount of goodwill for your
business... and more referrals.

Step #3: Make it easy for people to contact you

There will always be times when a customer needs to talk to or
email someone directly, so don't hide your contact details
away in a dark corner of your web site, and always provide contact
information on every message or newsletter you send out.

It's also a good idea to put your phone number at the end of your
FAQ so people can contact you with any questions not covered in your

You can even create a Customer Service page on your site that
includes your FAQ, the names and email addresses/phone numbers of
people who can help, and other relevant information.

Step #4: Personalize and segment your email messages

I can't say this often enough: Use your customers' names in your
email subject lines and in your messages.

Only 4% of marketers personalize their messages, according to
Jupiter Research, and yet personalized messages have almost
TWICE the click-through rate
of non-personalized messages.

As an online business owner, you can personalize your
communications with customers in many ways, including:

  • Personalizing emails with names and other pieces of information
    you collect

  • Sending customers personalized birthday offers

  • Sending customers details of new products you know they'll be
    interested in. (In its Consumer Email Study, DoubleClick reported
    that 43% of the respondents would respond to "purchasing
    recommendations based on past purchase behavior.")

Step #5: Ask your customers how you can serve them better

People love doing short surveys, and it's been shown that customer
satisfaction is higher among people who have been asked what they
want, even if their answers haven't been acted upon. Just asking what
your customers want and how you can make your service better makes
them feel listened to.

Actually acting on their suggestions and improving your
service is gravy!

Final thoughts

Good customer service doesn't cost much. You don't have to spend a
fortune giving away free products or large discounts.

Even a small gesture like thanking customers for their business can
help maintain a positive vibe around your business.

Because, no matter the cost of going the extra mile for your
customers, it's worth it to avoid them spreading negativity about your
service... or just never coming back to buy from you again.

Good customer service forms an impenetrable force field around your
company, protecting you from the crippling damage poor customer service
can cause.

And automating your everyday customer service tasks frees you up to
respond to real concerns or complaints -- making your overall customer
service even faster and better.

Remember, if you treat customer service as one of the best Internet
marketing strategies available to you, and really work at it, your
customers will pay you back by returning again and again... and by
telling their friends about you.

Related Resources - Secrets To Their Success

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Designing Websites

Designing Websites
That Appeal To The Senses
By Jerry Bader (c) 2006

Taking Advantage of The Experience Factor
We read the newspaper, we watch television, and we listen to the radio, but we experience the Web; this is what makes 'The Website' one of the most powerful marketing tools available to today's marketing executives. Unfortunately conventional wisdom has stifled the 'experience factor' on most website presentations.

Traditional circulation based advertising biases and pitch-mandated direct mail practices from metric-minded agencies have limited businesses' ability to take advantage of the Web's capacity to provide a more active, creative, and penetrating sensory experience aimed at furthering marketing objectives.

Editorial Note: Drop by the SiteProNews Blog to read regular posts by one of the Web's top SEO writers, Jim Hedger, or listen to The Alternative on WebMaster Radio, the new weekly, hour-long live broadcast hosted by Jim Hedger, covering the world of independent search engine alternatives and, of course, developments at the Big 3.

As consumers of information we all filter what our mind considers irrelevant. When we go to a website we quickly recognize where banner and text advertisements have been placed and proceed to ignore them for the rest of our visit. Even television ads are becoming increasingly less effective, even as their cost increases. Yet people will watch and even look forward to creative, entertaining advertisements that capture our imagination and inform our ability to make better decisions about what we buy and who we buy from.

Does Anybody Really Know What Works?

It is easy to rely on after-the-fact number crunching and projected head-numbing statistics to justify how marketing campaigns are constructed rather than on the less predictable but more relevant elements of psychology and human nature. But do numbers really tell the true story, or are they just protect-your-butt justification designed to ease everyone's mind when it comes time to commit to a budget?

Take the entertainment industry for example. Here is an industry that can tell you how many people watched a particular television show on a per minute basis. So, if these and the other cerebral-cortex-boggling figures are so telling, why do networks have such a hard time delivering programs that people will watch; or do they yank new potentially successful shows off-the-air based on their initial numbers before they ever have a chance to find an audience?

Television is such an expensive medium, its practitioners have come to rely on seemingly safe, tried, hackneyed old formulas, knowing that it is easier to sell sponsors what used to work, even when they know there is little chance of it working again. The fact is nobody really knows what combination of stories, writers, actors and producers is going to capture the publics' imagination.

So what does this have to do with Web-marketing? Everything. The Web is not an expensive production medium and that allows marketers to experiment with different techniques and creative. Unless your Web-business is a circulation-based advertising model, there is no reason to limit your creative marketing to worn-out concepts and number-based incentive formats that for the most part, no longer work.

Sensory and Experience Design Concepts

The essence of good advertising and its big brother marketing, is creative story telling; stories presented effectively, inform, persuade, and penetrate our consciousness based on their ability to tap into our sensory experiences. There has developed over the last few years two new approaches to design that acknowledge this powerful aspect of human nature: Sensory and Experience Design.

The implications of Sensory and Experience Design can be found in everything from product development to package design. When we talk about SenEx Design we are talking about how real people react to their experience with products and marketing presentations.

We experience the world through our senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Stand in a supermarket and watch people shop for fruit and vegetables; they pick them up, squeeze them, turn them over and over looking for flaws, smell them, and if the store keeper isn't looking they may even have a taste. When people buy a car, they look at the specifications listed in the brochure, but they still go to the showroom, kick the tires, run their hands along the shinny new paint, smell the leather interior, and take that sucker for a test drive to see how she handles. It's all about experiencing the product through our senses - it's that sensory experience that becomes embedded in our memory.

To date most companies have lagged in their efforts to implement these new SenEx marketing communication approaches on their websites due to their obsession with search engine optimization issues that focus on the volume of traffĂ­c rather than the quality of the marketing message. Business seems to be stuck in a circulation-based advertising and mass-market mindset that runs contrary to the Web's niche market 'Long Tail' nature and its ability to communicate by presenting information that appeals to a variety of senses.

Search Engine Optimization Issues

No one will argue with the desire of website owners to attract large numbers of viewers to their sites. But this desire has spawned an entire industry of people claiming to be able to provide website owners with the holy grail of search engine optimization: making it to the top spot in an organic search on your favorite search engine.

Not everyone willing to pay for an S.E.O. expert to optimize his or her site can be number one in an organic search. And of course there is the issue of paid search placement that trumps organic searches.

As fast as search engine optimization experts develop ways to beat the search engines, the experts at the search engines change their algorithms, and my money is on the guys at Google.

When it comes to search engine optimization consider the following important issues and questions:

1. Do the search engine tactics employed on your site degrade, obscure, or in some way diminish the ability of your website visitors to quickly find the information they want?

2. Do these search engine tactics impede your ability to effectively deliver your marketing message in a way that attracts attention, triggers relevant sensory experience, and embeds your message in your visitors' memories?

3. Do tactics like outbound reciprocal links and inline body-text links send people away from your site when you want them to stick around and hear what you have to say?

4. Do you have excessive repetitive copy-text on your site aimed at being indexed by search engines rather than read by people for clear concise understanding?

5. Have you reduced your complex message or instructions to a series of bulleted points that confuse rather than clarify?

6. Do your search engine tactics concentrate on the volume of traffic rather than the quality?

7. Is the traffic you're attracting leaving your site as fast as it's arriving?

The lesson we should learn from SenEx Design concepts is that websites need to be designed for people not search engines. Delivering a clearly understandable marketing message is achieved by tapping into the psychological and emotional responses triggered by sensory experiences. That is how you need to communicate to an audience separated from you by the vast expanse of the Internet.

SenEx Web Design Using Audio and Video Techniques

People are hungry for information. In today's fast-paced world the average person needs to constantly upgrade their knowledge of ever changing and more complex products and services. Things that were good for you yesterday today are harmful; products that don't exist today will exist tomorrow. So it doesn't matter if you are a homemaker, retiree, or a buyer for an international corporation, the need-to-know is constantly with us and it creates what Richard Saul Wurman have described as "Information Anxiety".

We just don't have the time to study everything we need-to-know or want-to-know that affects our business and personal lives. We need the information fast and in an easily digestible format. And we need that information presented in a way that will make it easy for us to retain it.

The power of Web-audio and video is their ability to illicit experiences by presenting information in a linear narrative that appeals to the senses of sound and sight. This ability attracts and focuses an audience's attention on the material you want highlighted; it presents that material in an easily digestible format; it clarifies the meaning and significance of critical details; and it penetrates viewers' consciousness so that the information is retained.

The following types of audio and video SenEx Web-presentations can be used to deliver a variety of material:

1. Web-commercials and Email Campaigns
2. Special Promotions and Product Offerings
3. Product Descriptions and Overviews
4. Testimonials and Reviews
5. How To Instructions and Tutorials
6. Frequently Asked Questions and Q&As
7. Expert Lectures, Analysis and Opinion
8. Backgrounds and History
9. Personality, Staff, and Business Profiles


We all have something we want to sell: a product, a service, a plan, an idea, or even ourselves. And anyone who has ever run a sales department will tell you the best way to sell is through human interaction and the best way to emulate that on a website is with Web-audio and video that uses Sensory and Experience Design techniques to deliver the message.

About The Author
Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit MRPwebmedia, 136 Words and Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.

Posted by Jeff Houdyschell, providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Looking Beyond SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is one of the most highly talked about topics between Webmasters and marketers. It is probably also the single topic that more webmasters obsess over than any other (in terms of their website anyway!). However, while SEO can be an excellent resource for targeted traffic, all website owners should concentrate their efforts on more than trying to squeeze one more percent out of keyword density, or beg one more PR5 link from an authoritative site. As well as sapping energy, causing breakdowns in family relationships, and being responsible for the onset of male pattern baldness it also causes us to lose sight of our ultimate goal.

You Mean There's More To Online Life Than SEO?

The ultimate goal for the vast majority of websites is to either make money or promote a service that makes money. How the site goes about it is entirely up to the Webmaster. Whether you choose to make money through affiliate links, PPC advertising, product sales, dropshipping, or any other method the single most important aspect of your website is your visitor. Visitors are those people that you attempt to attract to your site and they are the ones that will essentially make you some cash.

Don't Forget The Real People

The biggest problem with concentrating on SEO is that while the search engine spiders might be difficult to please they are a walk in the park, a piece of cake, and an absolute breeze when compared to real-life, living, breathing, walking, talking visitors. Search engines rely on mathematical algorithms to determine the quality of your site whereas the visitor relies solely on personal opinion. The next time you're attempting to inject 2 or 3 more instances of key phrases like "California Mesothelioma lawyer attorney" into your content try to remember that some poor soul might actually have to try and make sense of what you're writing.

Some Search Engines Are Complying

Fortunately for you and I, of course, some of the mathematical search engines are also coming round to this way of thinking. Google, in particular, want to offer users natural search results. They want to promote natural web pages, with natural content, using natural keywords, gaining natural links. This means that Webmasters are able to start obsessing over a number of other factors now instead:

Optimizing Your Content For Conversions

Conversion rates are not a part of SEO but should be a part of your business strategy. Consider how many people visit your site and the percentage of those people that either click through the links on your page or purchase a product. It is virtually impossible to predict with any certainty what your conversion rate SHOULD be but you should always strive to improve it. Your content should convert, your newsletter should convert, your mailing list should convert, and your emails should convert.

Improving Customer Retention Rates

Customer retention is also important. Once you sell a product or provide a service, even if you persuade a visitor to click a link and make a purchase you should do everything you can to ensure that you retain your customer base and they return to make purchases again. A big part of every successful business is repeat custom and without it you will always be fighting an uphill struggle to generate new leads and convert those leads into customers.

Ensuring that you offer the best service, the best prices, the best results, or the best information and help can generate good customer retention. However this isn't all of it. Company or website branding also plays a part, and following up with after sale emails and contact is also vital if you have the relevant information to hand. Use business cards and compliment slips whenever possible and always ensure that you include a company signature in all your email communications.

Generating Sales And Marketing Methods

Sales are obviously vital and without sales you will never achieve customer retention. In order to make sales it is important to acquire or generate leads. SEO is obviously a very beneficial way of generating leads but it isn't the only way. PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, advertising is a good way to instantly drive traffic to your site. SEO can take months to begin to generate results whereas you can truly hit the ground running with an effective PPC campaign. Ensure that you have a compelling advertisement lined up and also ensure that your website content is geared toward the conversion of any visitors you do receive.

Banners And Text Ads

Banner advertising and text advertising (I'm trying to ignore the temptation to mention their use in SEO) have taken a back seat to SEO and PPC, but for some sites they still have their uses. Find websites or newsletters that offer information relevant to your product or your service and then try out a small advertising campaign before you inject large amounts of money in a campaign that may not bear any fruit whatsoever.

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Offline Advertising Methods

Offline advertising is also an option, though it can prove costly. For geographically targeted campaigns it may [rove particularly beneficial. Local radio stations, local newspapers, and even billboards are options that do still generate results. These can cost money though. Bear in mind that some websites have been known to take this a step further with skywriting and other unusual tactics. These are best left to the behemoth sites like Ebay in all honesty.


SEO is not the be-all and end-all of a website. It is a powerful online marketing technique that can in time generate large amounts of targeted traffic. However, it is important to remember that once that traffic arrives your site must be optimized for conversions and sales. You should also consider using other forms of advertising in order to gain more site visitors and a more diverse range of traffic.


About the Author: Matt Jackson is a website content copywriter for WebWiseWords and also a recovering SEO addict. Unfortunately, he still succumbs to the temptations once in a while and has been known to offer clients SEO content, link building, and other SEO copywritingservices.

Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Sunday, November 26, 2006

How You Can Start Making Money In Minutes

How You Can Start Making Money
Online in Only Minutes... Without Even Designing Your Own
Web Site!

Back in the
early days of Internet marketing, there wasn't much you could do to
get started with marketing your business online until you actually
launched your own web site.

Before you
could make money, you had to:

  • Choose a

  • Set up your

  • Design your
    web site

  • Put it all

  • Optimize
    and test your web site

But maybe you
want the chance to "get your feet wet" before you commit
to building a web site and getting really serious about marketing
your business online.

Or maybe
you're trying to discover your online business niche: the problem
you want to solve, the people you want to sell to, and the best
possible way to create a viable business.
Maybe you don't
want to commit to a web site until you've had a better chance to
experiment with different ideas.

Well, fortunately for Web newbies, there are more options for
getting started with e-commerce than ever before! Now you can
actually market and sell products without ever creating your own web

In this
newsletter, we're going to take a look at some of the easiest ways
to get started online today:

  • Start
    selling on the world's biggest e-commerce site:

  • Start a blog in under five minutes and reach a whole new
    market on the Internet!

  • Use Google
    Page Creator to instantly create a presence on the Web

... as well as the quickest way -- once you're ready -- to start
up a fully functioning web site of your very own.

So can you
take advantage of these tools to make your first online profits today?
Keep reading to find out!

selling on eBay and get access to millions of potential buyers! is the
hottest e-commerce site on the Web today, and for good reason:

  • More than two million people visit every single day,
    spending an average of TWO HOURS navigating through eBay's pages
    and listings

  • More than $1,000 in sales happen on eBay every single second!

  • 72% of eBay users have incomes in excess of $50,000 per year
    -- so they come ready to spend!

And -- most important to you -- 95% of eBay users are individuals
or small businesses. eBay is clearly a place where newbies can go to
find instant profit and success.

started on eBay will take you LESS than one hour in total.

minutes, you'll be ready to set up your new auction listings. That
means you can see your first online profits TODAY!

And while those listings will cost you only pennies to place on
eBay's pages, you gain immediate access to millions of buyers who
are looking for items just like yours.

To get started
selling on eBay today, go to:

But what items are you going to sell?

This is the real beauty of eBay: there is a market for
practically everything on the giant online auction site!

The easiest
way to get started is to sell off some old items you no longer need
from your basement or storage space. This will allow you to get the
hang of writing up a description and creating a listing without
having to invest in a product to sell. After all, everything you
make from these sales is pure profit -- so you have nothing to lose!

If you have a
product you are already interested in selling on eBay, check out how
other sellers are marketing these products. How much are they going
for? What makes their auctions appealing? How many bidders do they

If you're not
sure what you want to sell, try checking out what products are
popular at

While you
might not want to sell the items that everyone is searching for --
guaranteeing you some serious competition -- you can sell items
RELATED to those products and generate a ton of interest in your

eBay offers
free tools for setting up and promoting your listings. Your only
expenses on eBay are are your listing fees, plus a small percentage
of your selling price.

started on eBay is easy -- anyone can do it in less than an
hour. But to build a hugely profitable eBay business takes some
advanced strategies and techniques.

Once you're
ready to take your eBay business to the next level, I recommend you
check out the "eBay Millionaire" secrets we reveal here:

your own web site in less than five minutes -- and for free! -- by
starting a blog

Blogs (or weblogs) are frequently updated web sites that show the
newest content at the top of the page. The other content usually
follows in the order it was posted.

Business blogs
have become one of the hottest tools for marketing on the Web today.
And while some companies use them to promote their products in
addition to their main web sites, you don't need to have a web site
-- or even have a business yet -- to start a blog.

Anyone can
create a blog for free and have an active, functioning presence
online in just minutes! Even complete Internet "newbies"
find the set-up process simple and easy to understand. You don't
have to know anything about web design or pay a single cent for a
domain name or web hosting.

And once
you've got your blog online, you can start making money instantly!
Here's how...

  • Start
    a Google
    to generate advertising revenue
    from your blog. It's easy to set up an AdSense account, and have
    targeted ads displayed to your online readers. This can be a
    great source of revenue, though of course the amount of income
    you can expect from your AdSense ads will depend on the amount
    of traffic to your blog. The more traffic you receive, the more
    people are likely to click through the ads displayed on your
    site -- and the more revenue for you!

  • Join
    an affiliate program
    -- or a few affiliate programs! --
    and start promoting their products on your blog. You don't even
    need your own product to get started! You can place ads for your
    affiliate products on your blog, or write articles or product
    reviews that contain your affiliate link. You receive a
    percentage of each sale made when readers click through your
    links and make a purchase.

  • Sell
    products directly from your blog:

    If you do have a product that you're ready to sell, you can
    write articles on your blog telling readers about the benefits
    of your widget. Once they get excited about what you have to
    offer and decide to take action, you can direct them with a
    sidebar button to your PayPal
    account (which is free and easy to set up.)

    PayPal, they can order your product and pay for it in seconds --
    even with their credit cards! And it only takes you a few
    moments to get set up to take payments.

You can create
a blog in five minutes, absolutely free, with a free blog hosting
service. These are considered the top options for blogging

If you're
looking for more tips for generating traffic and profits with your
blog, check out

Google Page Creator to get free exposure on the 'Net -- AND travel
up the search engine rankings!

Google Page
Creator is a brand-new program that enables anyone with a Google ID
to set up their very own web site in just minutes!

When Google Page Creator Beta was launched just over a month ago,
the sign-up page was overrun with visitors looking to get their very
own Google Page Creator account. So much so, in fact, that they had
to stop taking submissions that same day!

Why was everyone so eager to get involved with Google Pages?
Well, the most obvious benefit of the program is that your pages are
rapidly indexed by the Google search engine spiders.

Some new web site owners spend a ton of time and effort trying to
show up in search engine results for their keywords, but with a
Google Page, you jumpstart that process.

Within minutes, you have a fully functioning web site that you
can use to make money online right away.

You can generate profits with Google Page Creator in much the
same way as with a blog...

  • You can promote your own product on your Google Page with a
    salesletter or ad, and then direct your visitors to your PayPal
    checkout system to purchase your product right away.

  • You can also promote other people's products on your Google
    Page through content, links, or ads, and make quick cash from
    affiliate commissions.

  • And naturally, Google Pages are the perfect place to set up a
    Google AdSense campaign...

When your account is approved, Google offers a simple page setup
process with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
HTML editor. You can add your own text by typing it straight into
the editor, or by cutting and pasting from any kind of text file.
You can also upload pictures, create links, and even edit the raw
HTML code if you wish.

In fact, it's never been easier to set up your own web site!

In order to get started with Google Page Creator, you'll need a
Google ID, which you can sign up for at:

Once you've got an account, you can head to the Page Creator
homepage (
to add your name to the waiting list -- at this point, they are not
taking real-time submissions.

Of course, if you're getting serious about starting a business
online, we always recommend that you create a web site of your

And nowadays, with domains and hosting cheaper than they've ever
been before, and with tons of inexpensive -- and FREE -- tools
available to help you get set up, there's no reason to put off
creating your very own presence on the Web...

Set up
a professional-looking web site in minutes with easy-to-use web site

These days,
you don't need to know a thing about HTML or web design to get a
great looking site up and running in no time at all. The secret is
to start building your pages with a template web site creator.

Prices vary
from company to company, but you can usually get a template site up
and running for as low as $2.99 a month, depending on the features
and functions you want to build into your web site.

Most basic
packages include a domain name, web hosting, an easy-to-use site
template, photo uploading capability, and a limited number of
domain-specific e-mail accounts.

You can be
completely up and running with your new web site in the space of
just a day or two, depending on the length of the company's approval
or acceptance process.

While template
sites can't be customized as completely as regular web sites, the
margin for error and mistakes is much, much smaller than with an
independent, do-it-yourself web design process. You can get all your
newbie errors out of the way at a minimum of expense!

Most companies
will charge a little more per month to integrate a shopping cart or
e-commerce functionality into your template site, but you can also
opt to add a payment system of your own choosing to your pages.

(Remember: PayPal
is always free to sign up, and the easiest system for entrepreneurs
who are just getting started online.)

If a template web site creator is what you're looking for, check
out the solution we recommend at
They offer a full range of resources like...

  • attractive templates

  • useful extras like photo gallery software and search engine

  • domain research and sales

  • strong customer service

  • web hosting

... and all for reasonable prices that won't break the bank for a
first-time business owner.

Template sites are a great starting point if you want to get your
site up and running right away and start experimenting with
e-commerce opportunities. However, as your business grows, you will
likely need to develop a site of your own that allows you more
control over the look and functionality of your online presence.


It's never
been easier to build an e-commerce presence online than it is now,
with the rise in popularity of blogging, auction web sites like, quick web hosting solutions like Google Page Creator, and
template web site solutions.

Each of these
options offers you the opportunity to determine the viability of
your business model, test your strategies and salescopy, establish a
ranking in the search engines, and gain credibility and a reputation
in your industry.

Best of all,
you can get started making money online TODAY.

And once your business is underway and you're ready to set up a
web site of your own, you can also use all of quick start options
we've talked about today to continue to market your products...

  • Use a blog to grab a great position in search engine
    rankings, and then drive traffic to your sales web site!

  • Use a Google Page to drive another stream of traffic to your

  • Use eBay to test new products, sell off old or damaged
    inventory, or create a new revenue stream for your business!

It's never been easier to get started on the Web than it is today
-- so what are you waiting for?

Related Resources

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Start Making Money Online In Minutes

How You Can Start Making Money
Online in Only Minutes... Without Even Designing Your Own
Web Site!

Back in the
early days of Internet marketing, there wasn't much you could do to
get started with marketing your business online until you actually
launched your own web site.

Before you
could make money, you had to:

  • Choose a

  • Set up your

  • Design your
    web site

  • Put it all

  • Optimize
    and test your web site

But maybe you
want the chance to "get your feet wet" before you commit
to building a web site and getting really serious about marketing
your business online.

Or maybe
you're trying to discover your online business niche: the problem
you want to solve, the people you want to sell to, and the best
possible way to create a viable business.
Maybe you don't
want to commit to a web site until you've had a better chance to
experiment with different ideas.

Well, fortunately for Web newbies, there are more options for
getting started with e-commerce than ever before! Now you can
actually market and sell products without ever creating your own web

In this
newsletter, we're going to take a look at some of the easiest ways
to get started online today:

  • Start
    selling on the world's biggest e-commerce site:

  • Start a blog in under five minutes and reach a whole new
    market on the Internet!

  • Use Google
    Page Creator to instantly create a presence on the Web

... as well as the quickest way -- once you're ready -- to start
up a fully functioning web site of your very own.

So can you
take advantage of these tools to make your first online profits today?
Keep reading to find out!

selling on eBay and get access to millions of potential buyers! is the
hottest e-commerce site on the Web today, and for good reason:

  • More than two million people visit every single day,
    spending an average of TWO HOURS navigating through eBay's pages
    and listings

  • More than $1,000 in sales happen on eBay every single second!

  • 72% of eBay users have incomes in excess of $50,000 per year
    -- so they come ready to spend!

And -- most important to you -- 95% of eBay users are individuals
or small businesses. eBay is clearly a place where newbies can go to
find instant profit and success.

started on eBay will take you LESS than one hour in total.

minutes, you'll be ready to set up your new auction listings. That
means you can see your first online profits TODAY!

And while those listings will cost you only pennies to place on
eBay's pages, you gain immediate access to millions of buyers who
are looking for items just like yours.

To get started
selling on eBay today, go to:

But what items are you going to sell?

This is the real beauty of eBay: there is a market for
practically everything on the giant online auction site!

The easiest
way to get started is to sell off some old items you no longer need
from your basement or storage space. This will allow you to get the
hang of writing up a description and creating a listing without
having to invest in a product to sell. After all, everything you
make from these sales is pure profit -- so you have nothing to lose!

If you have a
product you are already interested in selling on eBay, check out how
other sellers are marketing these products. How much are they going
for? What makes their auctions appealing? How many bidders do they

If you're not
sure what you want to sell, try checking out what products are
popular at

While you
might not want to sell the items that everyone is searching for --
guaranteeing you some serious competition -- you can sell items
RELATED to those products and generate a ton of interest in your

eBay offers
free tools for setting up and promoting your listings. Your only
expenses on eBay are are your listing fees, plus a small percentage
of your selling price.

started on eBay is easy -- anyone can do it in less than an
hour. But to build a hugely profitable eBay business takes some
advanced strategies and techniques.

Once you're
ready to take your eBay business to the next level, I recommend you
check out the "eBay Millionaire" secrets we reveal here:

your own web site in less than five minutes -- and for free! -- by
starting a blog

Blogs (or weblogs) are frequently updated web sites that show the
newest content at the top of the page. The other content usually
follows in the order it was posted.

Business blogs
have become one of the hottest tools for marketing on the Web today.
And while some companies use them to promote their products in
addition to their main web sites, you don't need to have a web site
-- or even have a business yet -- to start a blog.

Anyone can
create a blog for free and have an active, functioning presence
online in just minutes! Even complete Internet "newbies"
find the set-up process simple and easy to understand. You don't
have to know anything about web design or pay a single cent for a
domain name or web hosting.

And once
you've got your blog online, you can start making money instantly!
Here's how...

  • Start
    a Google
    to generate advertising revenue
    from your blog. It's easy to set up an AdSense account, and have
    targeted ads displayed to your online readers. This can be a
    great source of revenue, though of course the amount of income
    you can expect from your AdSense ads will depend on the amount
    of traffic to your blog. The more traffic you receive, the more
    people are likely to click through the ads displayed on your
    site -- and the more revenue for you!

  • Join
    an affiliate program
    -- or a few affiliate programs! --
    and start promoting their products on your blog. You don't even
    need your own product to get started! You can place ads for your
    affiliate products on your blog, or write articles or product
    reviews that contain your affiliate link. You receive a
    percentage of each sale made when readers click through your
    links and make a purchase.

  • Sell
    products directly from your blog:

    If you do have a product that you're ready to sell, you can
    write articles on your blog telling readers about the benefits
    of your widget. Once they get excited about what you have to
    offer and decide to take action, you can direct them with a
    sidebar button to your PayPal
    account (which is free and easy to set up.)

    PayPal, they can order your product and pay for it in seconds --
    even with their credit cards! And it only takes you a few
    moments to get set up to take payments.

You can create
a blog in five minutes, absolutely free, with a free blog hosting
service. These are considered the top options for blogging

If you're
looking for more tips for generating traffic and profits with your
blog, check out

Google Page Creator to get free exposure on the 'Net -- AND travel
up the search engine rankings!

Google Page
Creator is a brand-new program that enables anyone with a Google ID
to set up their very own web site in just minutes!

When Google Page Creator Beta was launched just over a month ago,
the sign-up page was overrun with visitors looking to get their very
own Google Page Creator account. So much so, in fact, that they had
to stop taking submissions that same day!

Why was everyone so eager to get involved with Google Pages?
Well, the most obvious benefit of the program is that your pages are
rapidly indexed by the Google search engine spiders.

Some new web site owners spend a ton of time and effort trying to
show up in search engine results for their keywords, but with a
Google Page, you jumpstart that process.

Within minutes, you have a fully functioning web site that you
can use to make money online right away.

You can generate profits with Google Page Creator in much the
same way as with a blog...

  • You can promote your own product on your Google Page with a
    salesletter or ad, and then direct your visitors to your PayPal
    checkout system to purchase your product right away.

  • You can also promote other people's products on your Google
    Page through content, links, or ads, and make quick cash from
    affiliate commissions.

  • And naturally, Google Pages are the perfect place to set up a
    Google AdSense campaign...

When your account is approved, Google offers a simple page setup
process with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
HTML editor. You can add your own text by typing it straight into
the editor, or by cutting and pasting from any kind of text file.
You can also upload pictures, create links, and even edit the raw
HTML code if you wish.

In fact, it's never been easier to set up your own web site!

In order to get started with Google Page Creator, you'll need a
Google ID, which you can sign up for at:

Once you've got an account, you can head to the Page Creator
homepage (
to add your name to the waiting list -- at this point, they are not
taking real-time submissions.

Of course, if you're getting serious about starting a business
online, we always recommend that you create a web site of your

And nowadays, with domains and hosting cheaper than they've ever
been before, and with tons of inexpensive -- and FREE -- tools
available to help you get set up, there's no reason to put off
creating your very own presence on the Web...

Set up
a professional-looking web site in minutes with easy-to-use web site

These days,
you don't need to know a thing about HTML or web design to get a
great looking site up and running in no time at all. The secret is
to start building your pages with a template web site creator.

Prices vary
from company to company, but you can usually get a template site up
and running for as low as $2.99 a month, depending on the features
and functions you want to build into your web site.

Most basic
packages include a domain name, web hosting, an easy-to-use site
template, photo uploading capability, and a limited number of
domain-specific e-mail accounts.

You can be
completely up and running with your new web site in the space of
just a day or two, depending on the length of the company's approval
or acceptance process.

While template
sites can't be customized as completely as regular web sites, the
margin for error and mistakes is much, much smaller than with an
independent, do-it-yourself web design process. You can get all your
newbie errors out of the way at a minimum of expense!

Most companies
will charge a little more per month to integrate a shopping cart or
e-commerce functionality into your template site, but you can also
opt to add a payment system of your own choosing to your pages.

(Remember: PayPal
is always free to sign up, and the easiest system for entrepreneurs
who are just getting started online.)

If a template web site creator is what you're looking for, check
out the solution we recommend at
They offer a full range of resources like...

  • attractive templates

  • useful extras like photo gallery software and search engine

  • domain research and sales

  • strong customer service

  • web hosting

... and all for reasonable prices that won't break the bank for a
first-time business owner.

Template sites are a great starting point if you want to get your
site up and running right away and start experimenting with
e-commerce opportunities. However, as your business grows, you will
likely need to develop a site of your own that allows you more
control over the look and functionality of your online presence.


It's never
been easier to build an e-commerce presence online than it is now,
with the rise in popularity of blogging, auction web sites like, quick web hosting solutions like Google Page Creator, and
template web site solutions.

Each of these
options offers you the opportunity to determine the viability of
your business model, test your strategies and salescopy, establish a
ranking in the search engines, and gain credibility and a reputation
in your industry.

Best of all,
you can get started making money online TODAY.

And once your business is underway and you're ready to set up a
web site of your own, you can also use all of quick start options
we've talked about today to continue to market your products...

  • Use a blog to grab a great position in search engine
    rankings, and then drive traffic to your sales web site!

  • Use a Google Page to drive another stream of traffic to your

  • Use eBay to test new products, sell off old or damaged
    inventory, or create a new revenue stream for your business!

It's never been easier to get started on the Web than it is today
-- so what are you waiting for?

Related Resources

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides
proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blogging For Dollars

For Dollars" By Derek Gehl and The Internet Marketing Center

While going
through Derek Gehl's new "Blogging For Dollars" system, I was
amazed just how powerful blogs really are. The amount of traffic you can drive
to your website with a blog is impressive!

If you don't have
a blog yet, NOW is definitely the time to start one!

And if you want
to turn that blog into a huge success, Derek and his team have invested over
in developing and testing his new system, "Blogging For

Their test results were truly shocking!

Some of Derek's
clients and members of his team were scooping up handfuls of #1 rankings
in the search engines -- for HIGHLY competitive terms --
without hiring an expensive SEO specialist.

And I'm positive
that anyone can secure a top 10 position in the search engines
using the advanced blogging techniques explained in this system!

Plus, by having a
blog, you can drive swarms of traffic to your website, explode
your sales and profits...

... OR add
new streams of revenue to your existing business!

what I like most about this system is that it's for both advanced users
and it's totally newbie friendly
at the same time.

In fact, "Blogging
For Dollars"
lays out a simple plan for starting your very FIRST
online business using blogs, and teaches you how to set up your FIRST
blog in 45 seconds...
5 minutes if you're slow!

Here's a tiny
sample of what you'll learn:

  • How
    to use blogs to dramatically increase your website traffic -- and add
    1,000's of EXTRA dollars to your bottom line!

  • How
    to rank #1 in Google, Yahoo!, and MSN -- for the keywords
    MOST searched by your target audience!

  • How
    Derek's team pushed a webpage to a #2 ranking in Google for a highly
    competitive keyphrase
    -- with less than 60 minutes' effort!
    (And why we saw traffic and sales results in less than 14 days!)

  • Which
    3 critical steps you MUST follow to catapult your website to the TOP
    of the search engine rankings
    -- for any keyword you choose!

  • How
    to Attract 400% more repeat traffic than your static webpage!
    Since blogs take just seconds to update (from ANYWHERE in the world), it's
    easy to draw visitors back again and again with fresh news and postings!

... And MUCH

And since blogging
is the biggest trend to hit the Internet in the last 10 years
, there's
more opportunity to profit from it right now than there ever will be. My
prediction is we won't see another chance like this for at least another 10
years... Which means the time to act is now!

you want to get in on the action, and maximize your blogging profits
, then I highly recommend you take a look Derek Gehl's new
system right away.

For Dollars" comes with a 96-minute instructional DVD, and
an easy-to-follow guidebook containing 115 pages of every
single detailed technique and strategy for generating MASSIVE
profits from any blog!

to get more details on the system that can help you take advantage of
this incredible opportunity... Before it's too late!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Start Or Grow Your Own Internet Business

"Discover how to start
or grow your

successful Internet business ...

... and earn an extra $75,000...

$100,000... $500,000... or MORE!"


Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business on The Internet"

By Derek Gehl and The Internet Marketing Center

I've just finished working my way through Derek Gehl's newly revised and updated "bible" for profiting on the Internet, "The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet - Version 2006," and I'm blown away by the sheer volume of money-making information he's managed to pack in!

I'm talking over 1,300 pages of the *exact* test results, case studies, and strategies that Derek used to grow a $25 investment to over $54,700,000 in online sales!

And after testing out a handful of the strategies, I was blown away by how effective -- and profitable -- each one was!

In "Insider Secrets," you'll discover...

  • Step-by-step advice for starting your own Internet business in as little as 48 hours!

  • Where to find FREE tools and resources that you can use to create a web site -- in less than a few hours!

  • How to rank at the top of the search engines and directories (like Google, Yahoo!, AltaVista, ODP, AllTheWeb, AskJeeves).

  • And much, MUCH more!

But here's the most important thing you should know about "Insider Secrets"...

These strategies will work for ANYONE, no matter WHAT stage you're at with your Internet business -- or even if you haven't started one yet at all!

Derek's system is perfect for YOU if...

  1. You want to start your own profit generating Internet business -- from scratch -- in as little as 48 hours and see profits in your first week.

  2. You want to take your offline business online, and tap into the massive profit generating potential of the global market, then put your business on autopilot.

  3. You want to explode your existing Internet business by 100%... 500%... or MORE, with tested and proven strategies that nobody has ever revealed before.

So I can recommend it to literally everyone!

It comes complete with two 8" x 11" full-color three ring binders containing 8 steps, broken down into 70 lessons with step-by-step instructions included for every promotion and strategy...

... Plus five resource CDs and one audio CD with additional lessons, examples, audio interviews, and articles, as well as timesaving software and invaluable resource files.

I give "Insider Secrets" a perfect 10! It contains the exact step-by-step blueprint you need to follow to get a profitable Internet business online, or turn an existing web business into a profit-making machine!

I suggest you click here to check it our right away!

Friday, November 24, 2006

SiteProNews: Grassroots Convergence - The Changing Web

Grassroots ConvergenceThe Changing WebBy Jim Hedger (c) 2006

The first two weeks of November saw me traveling from the west coast to New York, and back to the coast before heading down to Las Vegas. I had the privilege of attending two of the most important annual search and Internet marketing conferences, ad:Tech NYC and Pubcon Las Vegas. As a writer in this space, my goal was to try to speak with as many people as possible in order to figure out where the industry is going in the coming years. Road-weary and exhausted as I am, I feel enlightened and exhilarated. The state of search marketing is stronger than ever. It is however, going to change radically in the coming year.

The first thing webmasters need to understand is how Web2.0 has raised the intensity of information sharing. The concept of using mass or micro-interest communities to basically inform themselves, has transformed the businesses of the smartest search marketers. An important facet of effective website optimization is the inclusion of RSS feeds and social networking tags to relevant documents housed in relation to the site. Similarly, new website marketing campaigns often include MySpace profiles, Flickr photosharing and blogcasts of some sort or another.

The days of the brochure website as an effective marketing tool are long over. While it is ok to carve a quaint niche in your own quiet location on the web, chances are that location will remain quiet unless you use social media tools to attract visitors along with the standard search listings and paid advertisements.

The second thing webmasters should concentrate on is the production of marketing materials that bring radio and video formats to the web. Online marketing is no longer confined to what has traditionally been considered the online space. Web enabled cell phones, iPods and handheld devices like Blackberries are as important today as desktop or laptop computers were in previous years.

Text and graphic based advertising preceded audio advertising as the radio preceded TV's promotion of video advertising. It's sort of like the circle of life in an electronic world repeating itself again. Video trumps text again. It's only natural after all.

The very first press conference at ad:Tech was held early Monday morning and I was one of four reporters to attend. That's too bad because many missed a good story that is based in common sense.

If video advertising works, as we all know it does, interactive video advertising likely works better. That's the bet many marketing professionals are making going into 2007 as the annual ad-spend on online video is projected to grow by 89% next year.

According to eMarketer CEO, Geoff Ramsey, the new online media is rapidly replacing traditional advertising channels as younger viewers search the Internet for entertainment. Ramsey suggests by the end of the decade, traditional advertising will be a third as effective as online advertising, citing a March 2006 American Marketing Association Study that says 78% percent of leading advertisers agree that effectiveness of TV ads has diminished in the last few years.

In other words, those expensive ads that drove the development of television are not working as well anymore. TV production values begin to slip and eventually the viewers look away. With YouTube, MySpace and the general history of user inspired mayhem of the web, more than a few generations are growing up looking online. The older medium is slowly starting to starve while a bountiful new media ad-spend eats TV's lunch for breakfast.

Money is now trickling down to the grassroots in the online advertising marketplace. While programs such as Google AdSense and Y!SM have provided modest incomes for webmasters for a few years, a very real sense of monetization is present for independent webmasters. There is simply not enough advertising space for the absurd inventory of willing advertisers out there.
Internet users should expect to see a change in the way independent webmasters relate to the products they create and offer for public consumption. Though there are a growing number of highly creative webmasters trying to produce interesting and stimulating content, the major monetization model of many independent webmasters is to make a number of made-for-(Google) AdSense sites and placing as many ads by Google as possible, or to create parked domain sites populated with paid-advertising.

Along with an increasing amount of user-made content given and shared freely on the Internet, many are starting to look to the professional content and support offered by major entities such as the Yahoo Publisher Network or, in the case of professional content creators, successful experiments like John Battelle's Federated Media. Extraordinary content tends to find its way to the top and over time the coordination and presentation of extraordinary content is expected to attract far higher viewers and correspondingly stronger advertising revenues.

Populating any Internet site, regardless of its format, with extraordinary content requires mechanical assistance, the type easily provided by the growing number of information feeds available for webmasters to use and share with others. As most webmasters working in any sector want their websites to be consistent traffic attractors many are finding and making use of relevant, off-site feeds covering items such as weather conditions, news, accommodation references, or general information. This cross-pollination of content is used to both attract and drive web traffic to highly sophisticated landing pages designed to motivate revenue-generating clicks.

Every page is thus thought of as a landing page. Each is treated in that spiritual-scientific Zen-space extraordinary search marketers find when examining a document. One of the companies I stumbled across,, exemplifies how the bar has been raised on what is considered effective, revenue-generating website design. Calling themselves a website optimization service, Optimost works with clients ranging from Time-Life and to clients of smaller SEO firms to focus visitor attention and present advertising options in an optimal layout. Using an on-the-fly multivariate testing process, Optimost selects the page or document layout selected by a majority of site visitors themselves.

Serious advertising money is not only on the table; it is spilling off the sides. The effect of that amount of money spread through the web design, online advertising and search marketing communities is going to make a major difference in the coming years. Production values are as high as revenue expectations and those expectations are rising every day. The market is on the verge of maturing, past its awkward adolescence and well on its way to figuring out what it wants to do for fun; and profit.

About The AuthorSearch marketing expert Jim Hedger is one of the most prolific writers in the search sector with articles appearing in numerous search related websites and newsletters, including SiteProNews, Search Engine Journal,, and Search Engine Guide.
He is currently Senior Editor for the Jayde Online news sources SEO-News and SiteProNews. You can also find additional tips and news on webmaster and SEO topics by Jim at the SiteProNews blog.