Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Make Money Online Selling Other People’s Products

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

A lot of people are now getting into es and either to supplement their “real world” income or for it to become their primary source of income. Why? Because just provides them a lot of benefits!

First, you can reach just about anybody in the world who has Internet access if you market your products online. That means a wider market for you, which can translate to larger profits. Second, setting up an online business requires only a fraction of the cost required to set up an actual business establishment, which means a lot of savings for the business owner.

Another aspect that has attracted a lot of people towards is the fact that one doesn’t have to have his own products to get started. In online marketing, one can start making a lot of money just by selling, or even by just trying to sell, other people’s products. And getting started with this kind of marketing strategy is actually quite easy. All that one needs to do is to set up an agreement with an online retailer or merchant, and after everything is settled, one can immediately start by selling the merchant’s or the retailer’s products.

Read the entire article here: Make Money Online Selling Other People’s Products

About the Author:

Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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Friday, April 27, 2007

What To Sell To Make Money Online | Work At Home Business Blog

What To Sell To Make Money Online

You may be asking yourself how do you and . You have nothing to sell and you do not know anything about computers or the internet, or you might think you do not have anything to write about. Well, if you found this site, then you have some of what it takes to start your own business. One of the greatest things about making money online is you do not need your own product to sell, or a vast knowledge of any particular subject. The internet provides all that for you! Everything you need is available to you if you can learn how to find it and use it to your advantage.

The details of going about it are a little more complex than what I explain here but the concept is relatively easy to grasp. You can start a business and make a living promoting other peoples’ products. This is what is usually called affiliate marketing. These products may be actual items from companies like Amazon and thousands of other online merchants. These merchants will pay you a commission to send others to their web site and buy their products or services.

Another option is creating a content-rich web site full of useful information pertaining to a specific subject and selling advertising on it or a combination of the two. Both of theses methods can be very hard to start out with if you do not have prior experience. You can also find opportunities that teach you how to start making money on the internet; some are free to join and others may be fee-based. As far as the free programs, remember the old adage “you get what you pay for”. You also need to be careful spending your money on a fee-based program. Research the offer thoroughly before you give up your hard-earned money.

Read the rest here:

What To Sell To Make Money Online | Work At Home Business Blog

Thursday, April 26, 2007

With Research You Can Start A Work At Home Business

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

You do not have to wander around town looking for real estate to get into business for yourself. You can always start a , provided you can offer a viable product or service, or take advantage of opening one of many available franchises. Your abilities, desire and financial resources can help determine the type of business and how long it may take to get it started.

When considering starting an you need to determine the type of you want to be involved with. You have the choice of selling products or services as well as whether you want to sell your own product line or someone else’s. The same can be true for service-related businesses. There are several companies offering services that you can resell and make a profit and if you find any of them useful, you may want to be involved.

Read the entire article here: With Research You Can Start A Work At Home Business

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

10 Basics for Starting Your Online Business

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

10 Basics for Starting Your Online Business

Launching an online business can seem either simple or harrowing, depending on your perception of the Internet. For many, the task at hand will come naturally because they’re comfortable maneuvering the ‘Net with ease. For others, it’s an entirely alien idea requiring heavy guidance. Everyone who has ever sought out legitimate business opportunities online has probably scoured the Internet for sites that offer both direction and devices to make their journey easier.

Most people are looking for a place where Internet Marketers can make a single stop to gather and implement all of the information they need to carry them from A to Z and a turnkey marketing system that supplies everything they need for success.

There are ten basic steps to initiating and cultivating your dream of starting of your very own Internet-based business. The steps begin the moment you first conceptualize your dream and they culminate with continued revenue from your customers.

1. Motivation and Goal Setting

If you’re reading this book, then you have already instilled some of the motivation needed to be a successful online entrepreneur. But are you ready to invest the time and money needed to realize your vision? Before you ever start the first formal step of launching your cyber-business, you have to have the right mindset and a list of goals that you plan to accomplish one step at a time.

First, you need to gather the support of those who will be closely involved with you in your endeavor. It may be a work partner or your spouse and children if you’re working solo from home. Even if you’re interested in signing up with an established affiliate program, you should still set and try to maintain your own personal goals. While some seasoned marketers have long-term success, those who sustain their victories in the marketplace know that they have to put in equal effort to building a successful affiliate network.

Sit down with a list of things you hope to accomplish with this business and be as specific as possible. It may help convince others (and even yourself) if you map out a simple business plan to show them how your idea will come to life. You can see a small business plan outline at

If you run into opposition, or self-doubts, then you may want to take some time to thoroughly review your business plan and try to solve any areas of concern before you begin investing too much time or money into your operation. If you’re considering joining an affiliate program, look at it carefully to determine what its drawbacks are, if any. Then, if you still have concerns, contact the administrator or a sponsor of the program and open a dialogue so that you can find out for yourself if these problems really exist, and if so, how they are solved.

Along with the plan itself, you should have several stages of goals that you hope to reach and the timeline to accompany them. Too many people sit down one day and decide to start a business with no direction to go. These people wind up off the path very quickly, and all the time and funds they devoted to their business goes down the drain.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew with your goals. Start small and remember that goals are to be viewed as a “living list,” and can be altered at anytime depending on the success rate of your business. You might want to set monetary goals – such as hoping to make $2,000per month within the first three months. Remember that most new businesses don’t even see a profit until after the first year, so don’t despair if yours is slow to grow.

On the Internet, your growth rate will be much quicker because your audience is global, not limited to your physical location. Another bonus with online selling is that many products are informational, and don’t require the standard upfront investment that other companies do.

When you find a business opportunity that piques your interest, you need to make sure that there is a system in place that offers plenty of member support and training to get your own enterprise underway.

For example, Empowerism is not only a site that houses one of the largest learning environments on the ‘Net, but it’s also a community where members can interact with one another and get answers on issues that are important to them. Look for a company that doesn’t stop at just putting the facts and figures out there. You want one that takes an active interest in your success, offers a
turnkey marketing system, and wants to make sure that your growth spurs more growth within the industry, which is exactly what a company called Empowerism has accomplished since 1998.

>>>Continued On Next Page - Time Management Control >>>>

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Increase Your Search Engine Ranking

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue. At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely to make a purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That’s what search engine optimization is about.

Learn more about how to Increase Your Search Engine Ranking

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Right Work At Home Tools For The Job

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

The right tools can make a big difference between success and failure when you .

Work At Home Software Tools like the following:

  • Keyword Tools - Keyword research is one of the first things to consider before launching a website or even an ad campaign. Research your niche and choose the right keywords to zero in on your customers.
  • Search Engine Optimization And Web Development - SEO is key to driving traffic to your site through the search engines. Learn how to optimize your site with these tools and products to gain a top ranking in the search engines.
  • Link Management - Getting links back to your site is key for page rank and search engine rankings.
  • Article Marketing And Submission - Another great source for links and traffic is writing and submitting articles.
  • List Building - Some of the most responsive network marketing leads I have ever purchased are here.

  • Read the entire article at: The Right Work At Home Tools For The Job

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Friday, April 20, 2007

    The Three Worst Marketing Mistakes You Can Make

    Marketing is what we do that puts us in a position to make a sale. Good marketing makes selling easier. Bad marketing may make selling impossible.

    We market to strangers so some of them will raise their hand with at least potential interest in what we have on offer.

    We market to our clients and customers in order to move them up to the next level of products or services.

    Most of us put a lot of time, money, and effort into marketing. For must of us it is the key activity we use to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

    But when we don't deliver on the promises we make in our marketing we unleash the deadly 3/33 viruses on ourselves.

    The 3/33 virus will destroy the marketing we have done in the past and it will make it very difficult to successfully market - at least to some prospects - in the future. And for the most part the 3/33 virus is a do-it-to-yourself process.

    The 3/33 virus is word of mouth marketing on steroids - in reverse. Here's how it works.

    When you fulfill a promise, deliver excellent service, come in under budget, and save your customer more money than you said you would - they might tell 3 people. And that usually is because you asked them for referrals.

    But if you screw up, don't do what you said you would do, or fail to deliver in any way - in your customer's mind - they will tell at least 33 people. This can be disaster.

    You know I am speaking the truth. Remember the last time you got poor service in a restaurant and how many people you went out of your way to tell about it?

    Here are three ways to guarantee that all the marketing you've done will backfire on you.

    Don't Do What You Said You'd Do

    In 2006 I met the author of a marketing book at the Search Engine Strategies event in New York City. I had been receiving his email newsletter and had heard a few things about the book. A table where he could autograph books had been set up for him at the Search Engine Strategies meeting. When there was no one around I approached him and found him to be a very insightful person, someone whose book would probably be of value to our readers.

    He offered to send me a review copy and I thanked him. After the event I emailed him a note with my mailing address. I never received the book. I received several emails to the address I had given him, but they were solicitations sent to everyone he'd come across at the search engine event.

    I don't know if he never intended to follow up with his promise, or if he turned it over to someone else, or what. The bottom line is that I will never have anything positive to say about him, his organization, or his book. That can't be what this marketer had in mind when he went to the time, trouble, and energy to come to New York.

    Disappear With Your Customer's Money

    The Internet makes it possible to hire people you will never see to do something you can not do and really have no way of knowing it will work until it's too late, and pay them via your PayPal account before they've even begun to do the work.

    I have done this several times without incident. Recently however I hired someone, on the strength of another person's recommendation, who kept my money and disappeared. He had promised to do the work within 48 hours of receiving my payment. But instead I heard nothing from him for six weeks, at which point he contacted me to see if there was some way to make up for his failure to follow through.

    I was astounded, but since I'd already paid him I asked him to do something that was worth less than half of what he'd already been paid. Hey, we all deserve a second chance. What happened? Nothing, I never heard from him again.

    It's hard to say if I would have ever needed his services in the future anyway - so it was just a tedious time consuming event for me, getting someone else to do the job and so forth. But what did it do to the relationship I had had with the person who recommended him?

    This was someone I trusted. Now I have to think twice about anything he has to sell me. And I am not going to tell my friends to do business with him in the future. Why would I take the chance he will recommend something or someone whose lack of performance comes back to bite me?

    About the Author: If you want to leverage what you are already doing right visit the 21st Century Peer Groups for Wayne Messick's report based on his experience as a business consultant who offers a wealth of free information at

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    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    You Need To Use Landing Pages For Affiliate Marketing

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    All the products that you want to sell online are ready. You have already signed up with the Google Adsense program or with other programs and you have already prepared the ad you want to post on your affiliate’s site. Your mind is now set to being the next most successful online businessman. But is there anything else that you might have forgotten to prepare? Maybe none. Beside , how about your s? Are they all set for your business?

    s are simply web pages where visitors are directed to whenever they click a result in a web search or whenever they click a web ad. For , landing pages would refer to the web page where you, as a merchant, would want your potential customer to be directed after clicking your ad on your affiliate’s website. Landing pages are, at most times, nothing really different from other web pages in a particular website, especially if the said website is an e-commerce site. Some online businessmen would even use the homepage of their websites as the landing page for their ads. Are these businessmen making a big mistake? Or should you follow their method in creating landing pages for their ads?

    Read the entire article here: You Need To Use Landing Pages For Affiliate Marketing

    About the Author:

    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    Home Based Business Income Opportunity To Make Money Online

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    There are many ways to with a and some of them even live up to their promises. No matter what type of work you do there is a home business for you. Whether you or from home, you can find a line of work that you can do and make money doing it.

    Multi-level marketing knows no boundaries, in fact when was first developed it was referred to as distributorships and a few companies were able to experience tremendous growth due to these income opportunities. Companies like Fuller Brush, Amway and Avon are a few of the bigger names that used multi-level marketing in their sales plan. A sale representative would work in a territory, developing other sales representatives and then they would become area managers, supervising and helping those they trained.

    Read the entire article here: Home Based Business Income Opportunity To Make Money Online

    About the Author:

    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    Add The Sidebar To Wordpress Static Pages

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    Within the Reading subpanel under the main Options panel is where you start seeing the versatility of a . You can specify a static page or the normal blog of the latest posts. Posts and pages are different; when you write a post it goes into the blog “loop”. Writing a page is static and doesn’t appear in the loop but is shown as a link somewhere on the .

    If you choose the static page option be warned that some themes will not show the on pages. If this is the case you can add the sidebar to WordPress static pages very easily.

    Read The Entire Article Here: How To Add The Sidebar To Wordpress Static Pages

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Discover The Magic Formula To Create “Set-it-and-Forget-it” Websites Using Wordpress & Make Your First Adsense Dollar in The Next 7 Days.

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Monday, April 16, 2007

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    Have you ever heard or read the phrase “multiple streams of income” before? Do you know what this phrase means? For many businessmen, creating multiple streams of or offline is one way of securing themselves as well as their businesses in the future. They also believe that it can also save them from the so-called famine effect in the business industry. Once you are engaged in business, it is advisable if you have multiple streams of so that if one of those income streams vanished, it will not upset you the way losing your sole stream would. If you depend on just one source of income and this single stream has been downsized or has lain off, you’ll surely find yourself bankrupted and hopeless. Try to ask the most successful online entrepreneurs, and you’ll discover that they have established multiple streams of online income.

    There is a businessman that said and attested that the very first step you must take in creating multiple streams of income is to assess or evaluate your resources. Start by assessing yourself first. Jot down your answers to the following questions: What are the talents, abilities, strength and gears that you possess? Are you gifted with excellent and creative writing skills? Can you do well at sales? Are you good in communicating with people? Are you born with an artistic skill or unique ability that other people don’t have? Through this, you can determine the kind of business where can possibly excel.

    Read the whole post here: Creating Multiple Streams of Affiliate Marketing Income

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Affiliate Marketing The Easiest Ways To Start

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    With the aid of the Internet, you can almost have everything right at your fingertips. With just a few clicks you get access to thousands and even millions of pieces of information and data on virtually any field of interest. As years pass by, the Internet continuous to effect radical changes in many facets of human endeavors, including commerce. Experts say that the information space, commonly known as the “world wide web,” grows by over a million pages everyday as more and more people utilize the Internet for information, education, entertainment, business and other personal reasons. It doesn’t take a business-oriented individual to realize that this phenomenon can bring about sky-high financial gains. The Internet’s fast-growing popularity in the recent years is surely an opportunity for business that any entrepreneur would not want to miss.

    You might be thinking only businessmen can make much money out of the Internet, don’t you? Think again. You too can earn big bucks through the Internet even if you don’t have products to sell and high-profile and established company. How? That is through affiliate marketing. You might have come across these words over the net while surfing. Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing between a merchant and an affiliate who gets paid for referring or promoting the merchants’ products and services. It is one of the burgeoning industries nowadays because it is proven to be cost-efficient and quantifiable means of attaining great profit both for the merchant and the affiliate and other players in the affiliate program, such as the affiliate network or affiliate solution provider.

    Read the entire article here: Affiliate Marketing The Easiest Ways To Start

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


    Friday, April 13, 2007

    Work At Home Business Requires Serious Effort

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    There are various circumstances that cause people to consider starting a business and there are just as many of those businesses available. What you need to ask yourself is whether you want a work from home business or a work at home business. The difference is the type of work you will be doing, but either way it should be something you are good at doing as well as something you enjoy doing.

    Typically, most [tag-tec]work at home[/tag-tec business operations involves service-related jobs such as plumbing, electrical or some other form of home improvement. Consultants often develop a work from home business and this type of work can be done through telecommuting while working for someone else. While salaried work from home positions are few and far between, they are available on a very limited basis.

    Read the entire artice here at : Work At Home Business Requires Serious Effort

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


    Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    The First WordPress Plugin To Install The Installer

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    As the title states this should be the first you should install. The Installer plugin then automates all other plugin and theme installations right from within the dashboard.

    Anyone just starting out with is aware of the pain it is to upload themes and plugins via FTP or uploading a few files at a time in your hosting account. This is where the Installer comes in; this will be the last one you need to upload to your hosting account.

    Installing The Installer WordPress Plugin.

    Find out how to install this plugin at: The First WordPress Plugin To Install The Installer

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


    Monday, April 09, 2007

    A Free Work At Home Opportunity May Come With Costs

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    Regardless of what the advertisements may promise, finding free projects may be next to impossible in many lines of work. While many companies advertise a free , their definition of free may not be the same as yours.

    A majority of free opportunities are nothing more than franchise opportunities, in which you put your name on their page and promote it. In a lot of ways, this makes sense. The company has spent a lot of money and a lot of time developing their web site, along with the replication software enabling you to have the same website with your name on it. They have also spent a lot of time and money developing the service or product mix for sale on that site.

    Read The Entire Artice Here: A Free Work At Home Opportunity May Come With Costs

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

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    Sunday, April 08, 2007

    Optimal Title WordPress Plugin

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    Optimal Title by Aaron Schaefer is a WordPress plugin that changes the title of your posts to show the title of the post or page first. By default, a will show the blog title before the post title, Optimal Title switches that around for better search engine optimization.

    The post or page title appearing first will return more relevant information for the search engines and display results from a search, in turn giving your page a higher probability of targeted traffic.

    Installing the Optimal Title plugin is a little different than most plugins and requires a few extra steps. Aaron Schaefer wrote the instructions on his site and can be found at: However for those who are not familiar with, or comfortable working with WordPress template code, this will walk you through the few extra steps of configuring this excellent .

    Read all rest at: Optimal Title WordPress Plugin

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


    Saturday, April 07, 2007

    How To Avoid Work At Home Job Scams

    Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

    In the world of working from home, sometimes people choose to take jobs that they find on the internet. There are many job offers that you might be receiving, from many different places or parties. It is very easy to do an internet search and come up with several options for places that claim to have jobs. Some of these are perfectly fine and legit, but some of them should be avoided at all costs for many different reasons.

    First of all, you should avoid any job board or market that wants you to pay a large amount of money in order to have access to the jobs. This applies for many different situations, but especially for freelance writers. Most of the places that will ask you to pay for your own job listings are probably not places you want to accept work from. There are many places online where you should be able to search for jobs and to apply for jobs without having to pay for this service. If you find that you cannot find these types of jobs, you should try to look in a different place or try to broaden your search because there are indeed several places which will post jobs that do not require you to pay to search for them.

    Read the entire article here: How to Avoid Work At Home Job Scams

    About the Author:
    Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

    Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!
