Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog

Saturday, March 31, 2007

7 Ways to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

An affiliate marketer may have all the things needed for him to be able to succeed in a business such as . He may have the necessary drive, diligence and perseverance to be able to understand how the system works. He may have all the tools necessary in maintaining the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a fortune if only the whole world could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to drive traffic to his website. His business would sink into oblivion together with all the sales, fortune and dreams that he might have realized if he only knew how to do this particular task.

Read more at Work At Home Business Blog...

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Plug-in Profit Site Blog: How long does it take to be successful with the Plug-In Profit Site

Plug-in Profit Site Blog: How long does it take to be successful with the Plug-In Profit Site

Monday, March 26, 2007

Get Paid To Have Your Own Domain Name

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Do you have your own Internet domain name? Now you can get one and actually get paid for having it.

You should check this out right away. We were blown away by what we saw and we’re sure you will be too. There's a good chance you can still get your own name domain since this is so new.

It's a neat animated movie that is short and fun to watch. The "actors" in it will actually call you by name, so you're kind of like a guest star in this. Don't let the animation fool you though, this is serious. If you've never heard of an affiliate program, you'll see why they are so popular online - and why this is one of the largest and fastest growing business opportunities world-wide.

There are nearly a billion people online now, and many of them want an easy way to build their own web site. People in dozens of countries are profiting big-time from this simple opportunity. We’ll show you how. It's very fast and easy to get started (and FR EE).

We’re so lucky to have found out about this company. They were ranked number 37 on Inc 500's list of the fastest growing companies in the US, and are even featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, as well as national newspapers. It's not very often that a company like this shares in the wealth, so you should go see what this is all about right away.

It won't take much of your time. Just go to now and it will explain everything.

Heck, it doesn’t cost anything to look, you can even GET STARTED FOR FREE, and we have set up a Team Support System that will help you get started and provide long term support. Hurry up and take a look. We think you will be pleasantly surprised.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Getting Immediate Targeted Traffic From Digg-Like Sites by Jack Humphre

by Jack Humphrey, Friday Traffic Report

by Jack Humphrey, Friday Traffic Report

Digg-style sites continue to go vertical into specific niches and markets. And they can generate a lot of free targeted traffic if you use them and understand how they work.

As far as the original Digg itself, you can still do very well there IF you get to the front page, but it is now less and less likely the average person will ever see the front page since Digg has grown to be a behemoth website.

Without gaming their system, which more and more people are trying to do, you have to rely more on luck than simply writing a good piece to get attention.

And don't forget that you have to write in a category they provide, which effectively eliminates hundreds of topics and market niches.

Digg has added more categories, but they are anything but comprehensive and their readership is, at heart, still made up of geeks and technophiles.

So good luck getting your "Healthy Eating Habits of Highly Successful Women" piece on the front page of Digg.

Which is why so many people are starting niche-specific Digg-like sites which work in the same way but are targeted to a specific niche, like Digg was in the beginning.

For internet marketing related content, people are finding places like and are sending them more traffic than Digg ever has. (Including me.)

Mainly because many Digg users have a pretty strong hatred of marketing content and they have nothing more than a general "Business" category for people like us to publish in.

Which is why PlugIM and MarkTD along with a handful of other niche story sites are doing so well so fast.

If you publish in another niche, don't worry. You will start seeing Digg-like sites popping up in all niches this year, if you haven't already found one in your niche.

Just as article directories were only for marketing content in the beginning, so too are the new Digg sites.

It is only a matter of time before you can start seeing almost instant targeted traffic from a site like Digg in your niche.

So there are two things to pay attention to here:

1) You should consider building your own Digg for your niche and gaining all the traffic from the hundreds or thousands of writers and bloggers in that niche. There are lots of scripts popping up out there that do what you need.


2) You should look for "vertical" Diggs and publish there before you go to Digg itself because you will, most likely, get more traffic from verticals than the almighty Digg even though they are so darn BIG.

About the Author:Jack Humphrey is the editor of The Friday Traffic Report at and has started a new Digg-style news site for internet marketing content at
Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Blog: Proven Income Opportunities Work At Home Business Blog - Get your quick ping button at!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Using Traffic Exchanges To Promote Affiliate Programs

Author: Daniel Alan

If you're unfamiliar with exchanges, you will want to read this over carefully and consider printing it out.

One of the best ways in which you can promote affiliate programs is through various traffic exchanges. Almost all well-defined, robust niches on the Internet have some form of traffic exchange. For instance, casinos, gaming sites, niche forums, and Internet marketing sites all have some form of traffic exchange system. IM, in particular, has dozens of exchanges.

A traffic exchange can serve multiple functions; however, in most cases, it does two important things:

1) It allows you to surf sites, gain credits, and then cash in those credits; and

2) It allows you to put banners or dynamically-generated link boxes on your site that will generate credits, which you can then cash in. Cashing in credits, with most exchanges, results in a certain amount of traffic being drive to your site via the exchange site or via banners on other sites that are members of the exchange.

A good place to start when working with traffic exchanges is to determine which ones are most reputable and which ones have reasonable point systems. For instance, some traffic exchanges allow users to cheat and some have bad systems of exchange, which heavily favor paying members over non-members. You will want to find the best possible exchange given the amount of money you are willing to spend and the product you are marketing.

Once you have selected an optimal exchange, you will want to determine the best way in which you can use it to maximize the amount of high-quality traffic you extract from it.

You will want to answer the following questions to aid yourself in determining this: do I earn credits from impressions or clicks? And do I lose credits based on impressions or clicks?

This is important to ask, as different exchanges have different policies on this issue. If you lose credits based on impressions, you will want to make sure that you get the absolute largest amount of clicks per impressions. This will involve over-hyping your ads and creating flashy banners (if they allow them).

In contrast, if you are getting charged per click, you will want to make sure your ads ONLY appeal to the most interested buyers. Whichever route you take, make sure that it is matched up with a model for maximum revenue generation.

The last thing you will want to consider when using a traffic exchange is precisely what you should promote.
You already have a product in mind, probably an affiliate product, but how will you promote it?
Will you direct visitors to the affiliate page?
Will you direct them to a page on your site, which features the product?

Or will you direct them to an opt-in form, which will capture their information and then coax them into buying over a period of time?

I personally suggest doing the last or the second and avoiding the first whenever possible.

About the Author: Daniel Alan is the creator of and an expert at making money online.

The Perfect Path To Wealth Affiliate Program is one of the best around, offerring 75% commission which is $33.90 per sale and is free to join.

Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing gets results but for the kind of results that marketers rave about it’s essential to develop targeted email marketing campaigns - campaigns that identify and reach the people most likely to respond.

Without effective targeting, your email campaign - any marketing, for that matter - will be a hit and miss affair resulting in low response rates and wasted marketing dollars. It will also be a complete waste of the key strength of email marketing: that it can be targeted more effectively than any other marketing.

It simply doesn’t make sense to broadcast to all and sundry when you can focus your efforts - and your dollars - on the people most likely to buy.

Identify your target markets

To identify your target markets, first break down or “segment” your market into groups of people likely to have similar needs and wants. Segmentation can be along any lines you like. For instance, by age group, gender, employment status, location, lifestyle, attitudes, concerns, ethnicity, skill level, and so on.

The idea is to recognise that there is no such thing as an “average” customer. Different types of people have different needs and wants. Consequently, some groups will find the particular (and ideally, unique) benefits of your products and services more appealing than others. These are your target markets.

Because email marketing can reach very specific types of people you can take segmentation to some lengths, for highly-targeted email marketing campaigns. There will almost always be an email list/newsletter to match.

However, target markets must remain large enough to justify the time and effort if not the expense (targeted email marketing is cheap) of a dedicated email campaign.

Ideally, you will hit on market segments that are a good size and also underserved by competitors - a niche marketing opportunity. This is why it is worthwhile spending some time on segmentation.

Create a targeted email marketing message

Having identified your target markets, don’t drop the ball with your message.

You will need to develop a separate email message or “creative” for each target market, focusing on their particular needs and wants, and how your particular products or services can fulfil them. Bring your “unique selling proposition” into play, to demonstrate how you can fulfil them better than your competitors.

It’s also important to speak your target market’s language. Use an appropriate style and tone, and words which have the greatest impact with that market. For example, “affordable,” “stylish,” “durable,” “easy-to-use,” “honest,” “fast.”

In short, create an email that is highly-relevant and therefore highly-interesting to your target market.

Write an effective subject line

There is plenty of advice available on writing marketing email subject lines. In summary, they should be straightforward, contain your business name, be both informative and relevant, and as short as possible. They should capture the essence of your email. For this reason they are best written after not before the message.

An excellent side-benefit of targeted email marketing is that it is much easier to write with specific types of people in mind than for mass audiences. Great news if like most people you hate writing promotional copy.

Select targeted email marketing lists

The next step in your targeted email marketing campaign is to find email lists that reach your target market. For most small and home businesses, the most affordable option will be email newsletters (ezines) with a subscriber profile matching your target market. Solo ads - emails sent to subscribers separately from the newsletter - are highly-affordable.

Most email newsletters are listed in directories, such as FindEzines, Zinester, EzineHub and the Directory of Ezines. (Search for “ezine directory”.)

Target the right time

With the key elements of your targeted email marketing campaign in place, there is one more factor to consider before you send: timing.

An advantage of email marketing is that campaigns can be timed to the minute. Think about your target market’s lifestyle to choose the best time to send. Ideally, it will be a time when they not only check their email but also have time to give it their attention.

For moms this might be late in the evening when the kids are in bed. For young professionals with an active social life, it might be lunchtime, when they are neither working or out on the town. Trust your common sense on this one. Statistics on the most popular email opening times are misleading.

Test your targeted email marketing campaign

My piece of final advice on targeted email marketing is to test your campaign. Ad testing is standard procedure for large companies. Thanks to the affordability of email, it’s an option for small businesses too.

Once you have perfected your targeted email marketing campaign you can invest in more expensive lists and roll out your campaign with confidence.

About the Author: Caroline Mackenzie’s articles provide practical advice and ideas for success in home business. She also owns, where members have access to a wide range of ebooks and software, including email marketing ebooks, to use or resell in their home business. Membership and downloads are still free.


Monday, March 19, 2007

The Advantages Of A Home Based Business

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Many nine to fiver’s are bucking the system by starting a home based business. Confinement to a cramped cubby hole in a perpetual maze of dividers is a thing of the past for these entrepreneurs.

So what are some of the perks to having a home based business? To start, you can keep your own hours. Your schedule is as flexible as you are. Need to see the dentist? Make your appointment for whenever. No more waiting around for that first appointment of the day or trying to find an office open after five. Kids have a mid-week soccer game? Not a problem. Better yet, you know that cable repairman that says he’ll show up sometime between 11 am and 4 pm? You can tell him, “That’s perfect.” and really mean it because you’re home all day anyways.

Working from home means that you can now embrace that chronic insomnia that made you late for traditional jobs and left you dozing off during meetings.

Just think of all the money you save by working from home. There’s no need to buy that new suit and impressive pair of heels. Your cat doesn’t care how professional you look. You can work naked if the urge strikes you,( just make sure the blinds are closed or you might get unsolicited visits from your neighbors).

You can save a bundle by eating last night’s leftovers for lunch and buying snacks in bulk at the grocery store instead of making trips to gas stations and fast food joints. Pay on average $0.35 fora a soda instead of $1.19 and watch the saving add up in a year’s time. You might even save enough to buy your own cappuccino maker and say goodbye to your local $5-a-cup coffee shop.

Remember the last time you took your car in for a tune up and the mechanic told you to start car shopping, immediately. Just think of how long your vehicle will last without those daily trips to and from work. Save gas money, get your oil changed twice a year, never replace your tires again! All great perks of a home based business.

The government also gives home businesses fringe benefits in the form of tax breaks. Now, buying that computer you’ve been ogling for months is actually good for business, it can mean better tax breaks at the end of the year. Get money back for your telephone bill, rent and other overhead expenses. And believe it or not, it’s completely legal.

The benefits of basing a business from your home are nearly countless. If a traditional office environment is leaving you stagnant, a home business may be just what the doctor ordered.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Copywriting: Is It The Right Choice For You?

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Copywriting is a learned skill that, provided you have a reasonable level of intelligence and are prepared to work, almost anyone can learn. That said, almost anyone can learn to play the piano - but they won't get to Carnegie Hall! It's a discipline that's totally different in many ways to, say, fiction writing. Good copywriters are in almost constant demand and, at times, demand outstrips supply. Why? Well, many people want to write - but the majority want to write novels, short stories, poetry and the like. Maybe they see copywriting as not creative enough but believe me, that's just not true! Good copywriting demands high levels of creativity and an attention to detail that you may be surprised by.

Learing how to be a copywriter does demand time and effort, but that doesn't mean you have to attend college - there are many how-to books and online courses available that cover the subject of freelance copywriting. So have a look online, go to the bookshop, visit you local library (now there's a real goldmine of information!). Many people are wary of being a freelance writer and yes, relying on your own skill and confidence can be daunting if you're not 100% sure of what you know and that you can do a good job. What gets a soldier through a battle? Training and discipline, that's what. Without it, he's just a guy in a whole lot of trouble. With it, he stands a fighting chance. Freelancing is the same: arm yourself with skill, and confidence will follow in its wake. The rest is up to you!

Although most copywriting is concerned with advertising products, that's not always so. In any case, say you were given the contract to write the advertising copy for a new model of Mercedes-Benz, with all the massive investment that is commensurate with such a venture - wouldn't you consider that a pretty huge feather in your cap? And yet you're only selling a car, aren't you? Don't let anyone ever belittle your skills as a copywriter - you will have earned them, no matter what kind of copy you write.

Like most everything worthwhile, learning the skills of the copywriter take time (unless you're very talented, of course!). For we ordinary mortals, starting out means learning the basics. Let's face it, you wouldn't expect to take a racing car round Indianapolis just after getting your licence, would you? I'm not going to dress it up - it takes grit, dedication and practice. It takes guts. There may well be times when your enthusiasm ebbs to almost nothing. Will you ever get your first commission? Have you really got what it takes? Then the day comes when you're paid for your skills - believe me, that's a great day. The hard work has paid off - you're now a professional. You're treated as an expert, company CEO's defer to you in your field (now that really is a good feeling!) and, at the end of the project, you can look at promotional literature, professionally produced on heavy gloss art paper and say - 'That's my work!' It's hitting a home run in the final of the World Series - it's holing that last long putt to be the Masters champion, it's - well, let the moment come and you'll see what I mean!

About the Author: Steve Dempster is a writer of copy, articles and fiction. To get started on the copywriting road visit for more information and advice.

Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Friday, March 16, 2007

Supporting Your Spouse As They Begin A Christian Home Based Business

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Your beloved spouse comes home from another day at the grind and announces, “I’ve had enough! I’m going into business for myself.” Before you start hoarding food and stashing money in the mattress, stop and pray.

Remember that God is sovereign and that He will provide for you. This new venture may be exactly what God has planned for your life. Surrender your will to Christ and pray. He may give you a peace that calms your fears and alleviates your concerns. Anxiety is a natural reaction to change, but as Christians we are to fight back with God’s truth.

The changes that come about in your spouse may surprise you, especially if they are following a prompting from God to leave the traditional work force. Pray with your spouse and be honest about your feelings. Discuss your excitement over the possibilities that a new business can provide. Vent your frustrations and fears about the changes and instability that will come in days ahead. Keep the communication open, between you and your spouse, and you and God.

This does not mean putting on a smile no matter what happens and ignoring the realities around you. It does mean that you should live beyond your circumstances and trust God. Be supportive of your spouse through the ups and downs. Encourage each other, pray together, talk with other couples who have started a home business together.

Do some research in your spouse’s chosen area of business. Learn the associated jargon. Be familiar with the product or service provided by the business. Make yourself available to help with menial tasks like errands and printing shipping labels. Talk up your spouses’s bravery and professionalism every chance you get. Announce the birth of your new business at church, to your friends and family, to anyone who will listen. Be your spouse’s biggest fan. You will need to be knowledgeable of the business so that you can take calls on busy days and answer questions on the street when approached by curious neighbors and passers by.

Go to the library and research small business management and marketing, condense the books into a divided binder full of notes on the topics your have researched. You can present it to your spouse as a “business warming” gift. This information should be easy to read and condensed down to useful facts. You can even sneak in personal notes of encouragement, scripture verses or inspirational quotes.

Going the extra mile to show interest in what is important to your spouse will help hold you together through the storms of life and will allow you ti build a strong, Christ centered business that can be passed down for generations to come.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Where To Look For Work

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

When you are looking for work from home, you have several different options. It used to be that the only way to work from home was to work it out with your boss so that your work could be done at home and you wouldn’t have to always be in the office. This is still certainly the case. Many employers are making it easier for their employees to work at home and only come in to the office every once in a while. This is a great benefit to many people who have been working for a long time on certain projects or who have been working for a long time at a certain career and want to continue doing what they do well and what they love, but want to, at the same time, be able to do it from home.

However, now you don’t even have to worry about finding an employer who will eventually let you do your work from home. There are many ways that you can actually start a business, a career, or even part time work, straight from your home computer and you can go about getting a job online just the same way you’d get a regular job. All of these jobs that you can find are going to provide you with money and a full time job, but the trick is knowing where to look for them.

There are truly many places online that offer work from home jobs. However, some of these places should be avoided because of obvious reasons. A good rule of thumb is that you should never have to pay in any way in order to find jobs. If you do decide to subscribe to a service it should be one that only requires a small start up fee or a once a year fee. Don’t pay by the month or pay a lot of money for access to jobs boards, because there are plenty of job boards that you can find which you do not have to pay for.

Once you have weeded out the jobs that require payment just to apply, you still have several options. No matter what your field of expertise is, there is going to be something that you can do from home regarding it. You should be able to find a work from home job in any area. Start by doing an online search for your job, and then get looking. You might have to look at several sites before you find some with a good lead. Remember that you need to market yourself exclusively by email and online sources, so your portfolio online should be very good.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Want To Work At Home? Telecommuting Might Be For You!

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

You are probably one of the millions of Americans who enjoy their professions and who actually do not mind working for someone else. Sure, the American Dream has always been to set out for yourself into the world of business, make a name for yourself with a product or service that only you have thought of, and then turn your life from rags to riches. Yet considering that many Americans have families, mortgages, and bills to pay, the number of people who manage to successfully quit their jobs and become self employed is small. Granted, many try it and quite a few have moderate successes. Yet by far greater is the number of people who will go through their life’s savings, and in the end stand to loose their homes in order to meet financial obligations that went by the wayside and suddenly seem to pile up.

Perhaps you have sat in traffic time and again, bemoaning the fact that you are wasting two or more hours of your time each day simply getting to your job – the kind of time that could be put to good use! This is probably also the time that you remember the many articles you have read on telecommuting, and you are wondering if you have what it takes to take this step. After all, if you were to approach your boss with a well thought out plan, the odds are good that she or he would most likely give you a chance to prove yourself.

Yet telecommuting is not for everyone who wants to do it. First and foremost you will have to still consider yourself employed and thus bound by a schedule. While it is tempting to procrastinate on work related items just until you finish that last load of laundry, mow the yard, or groom the dog, you do have to remember that you are on the clock. Additionally, you will still need to meet deadlines and also work so as to accommodate the work schedules of others in your company. This means that working in the middle of the night so that you can accompany the kids on a field trip the next day might not work.

Secondly, you will need to have adequate equipment. While almost everyone owns a personal computer, there are a myriad of software programs out there that may not be compatible. Test it out before you go to bat with your boss! Additionally, make sure you have all the little peripherals you need to work from home. Will you need a fax machine or a scanner? Maybe you need to change your long distance plan to accommodate long distance calls? It is important to have all your ducks in a row before you start!

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Want To Work At Home? Become Self-Employed!

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

If you dream of skipping the seemingly endless commute to work every day, and you also wish you did not have to put up with your boss who would be lost without you, then you might have what it takes to become self employed. Consider the ultimate perk of being at home with your family during the times they are available, such as after school and at meal time, while using big chunks of time for your work then all have flown the nest during the day to go to school. If all this sounds appealing, then you simply owe it to yourself to look into the possibility of self employment. While there are different ways to go about achieving your goal, the road to self employment may be less traveled but it is nonetheless enticing. Yet before you bid your boss farewell, make sure you have what it takes to turn a dream into a profitable reality.

First and foremost, you must remember that you will no longer be able to look to a second party to hand you a guaranteed check every other week. Will your business permit you to continue supplying you with funds so that you will be able to live in the style to which you are accustomed? If you are heavily bogged down with credit cards bills, mortgage and car payments, and if your children attend private school, you will need to make sure you have enough money in savings to support yourself for at least year, so that you can give yourself sample time to pursue your dream while keeping up with your obligations.

Secondly, remember that you are setting yourself up as a business. As such, you are not only the provider of the service or products, but you yourself are the figurehead, spokesperson, and image of the very business upon which you are embarking. Thus, if an issue of liability arises, the customer or client will look to you for help and – if needed- compensation. This gets especially tricky if you decide to become a self-employed representative for a supplement company. While these supplements may be perfectly safe in and of themselves, in conjunction with other products they may actually be somewhat harmful, and you will need to ascertain where your liability beings and ends in case something goes wrong.

Legal threats of that nature may be overcome by incorporating your business, yet in the case of medical claims you may not be able to financially survive an adverse judgment in the favor of a client or customer. For anyone desiring self-employment it is a good idea to invest a bit of money in one or two hours of a small business lawyer’s time to find out exactly where you stand. This step may save you a lot of money and grief in the long run.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Monday, March 12, 2007

Staying Sane While Starting A Home Business

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Starting a new business can be a harried experience. There are a myriad of decisions to be made, the budget needs stretched, the new secretary quits before the end of the first week: the struggles are endless. When starting a business from your home, you can add a slew of unique challenges to the list. Being aware of the potential pitfalls, and preparing for them can provide a way of preserving your sanity.

Friends and family members frequently assume that if you are home, you are available. Nothing can set your work back hours, faster than an unplanned visit from your mother. Setting clear boundaries regarding your schedule and availability for phone calls and visits can prevent misunderstandings early on in the life of your business.

If you are choosing to keep your small children home with you while you work, that carefully planned schedule can quickly become fodder for your three year old. Getting up early is often the best way to increase your productivity while those little angels are still slumbering away.

Having a contingency plan for days when the work load requires more attention than usual is an excellent way to head off disasters before they happen. Find local babysitters who are willing to come to your home to help out when needed. Recruit friends and family to provide occasional entertainment for short periods of time to allow you to work without interruptions. Anything that helps you keep focused is a good investment in preserving your sanity.

Running a business from your home has a few perks, especially at tax time. Consulting with a tax expert or accountant early on will arm you with the knowledge necessary to save you time and money when filing your first year’s business taxes.

Finding service providers that are both competent and trustworthy is a lesson in perseverance. The business directories, internet advertisements and even newspaper ads are clogged with scams and incapable providers. Seeking the advice of a seasoned home business veteran can be your salvation. Word of mouth will reveal strengths and problems with service providers.

If you find that you have chosen poorly and end up with a full sized, ten year old copier in your den instead of that sleek, all-in-one model with all the bells and whistles that you paid for, don’t despair. Don’t back down either. You can explain your dissatisfaction firmly and politely while explaining that the services were not acceptable. If after bringing the blunder to the business’ attention, you are still left feeling cold, you can report the offender to the Better Business Bureau: and call for legal advice.

Using good old common sense, a little street smarts and a lot of charm and honesty will help your achieve your business goals, while allowing you to keep your sanity and your home life intact.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Work At home Moms

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

It is something that many women dream of: the chance to be able to stay at home with their children and to not need to take their children to the babysitters so they can go to work. IT is hard to find a place in this world that will allow you to work and contribute to the family income, but that will also allow you to stay at home with your children. Luckily, if you are working online there are many jobs that you can do as a stay at home mom, and still do your best to help your family make ends meet.

There are many different jobs that stay at home moms might do. The important thing about working from home and being a stay at home mother is that you can set your own hours. This is very important if you have small children that are going to need your time. Instead of making your children wait until your work is finished, you can figure out a way to make your work wait until your children have free time you can spend at work. Being a stay at home mom and working is something that requires a little bit of structure, but once you have figured it out is something that is easy to do. You are going to be able to stay at home and get your work done, and you are also going to be able to show your family that you care about them by being there for your kids all of the time.

There are many things that a stay at home mom can do to work from home. The most important thing that you can do is to figure out what kinds of things you are interested in. you should try to get a stay at home job that falls in one of your interests, because working is something that is going to be with your for awhile and you want to be sure that not only are you doing good work but you are making ends meet for your family in a way that makes you happy. There are many stay at home moms who work only in their fields, whether this is writing or marketing or other forms of art. You can find something that you love to do, and you can find a way to do it at home, so your children never have to be at home without you, and your family time can be spent as a family. Working form home is something that has become quite popular with families and with other moms. Try to find a way that it can fit in your lifestyle as well.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Saturday, March 10, 2007

40,000 Unique Visitors all From MySpace

Somehow my son has gotten 7,000 friends which I am still trying to figure out. I have maybe 2,000 friends on one of my accounts but I had to pay $50 to become a sponsor on a service where I would get all these friend requests from. There are so many new things on MySpace and I am trying to learn all of this. Jake has this great new ebook out and he covers so much of this.

MySpace has this one thing called a Whore Train. Back when I was Jakes age Whore had a completely different meaning. These days you will see women on MySpace asking you to "Whore Me". There are sites that you can find using Google which are Whore Me Generators. When I was 18 and a Girl requested to be Whored then that girl was not looked on very favorably by most people. A Whore Train on MySpace is an accelerated way for people to get more friends added to their profile. If you look at yours or anybody else's profile you will se all their friends when you scroll down the page and look on the right side.

You ought to see all the MySpace scripts and utilities that you can find by doing a search on the Net. They are all over the place. There are FriendAdders, Comment Adders, and all these neat things that you can do if you have your own MySpace account. I hear it is a great place if you are a Model, performer, or involved somehow in Music. By the end of the year 2007 there will probably be well over 300 million people on MySpace.

You will see a lot of people on MySpace that are strippers, escorts, and even swingers. I know of a site called adultfriendfinder but I guarantee that MySpace has a lot more people, most of them single. I bet sometime this year we will even see a MySpace dating club.

About the Author:

Jeffrey has over 2 decades experience in the business world. When he writes he blends his unique wit and humour into every article which if you rread his blog you can see all of his many works.

Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Friday, March 09, 2007

Free And Easy Ways To Advertise Your Business

Do you wake up every morning and find yourself struggling to promote your home business? Are you getting little or no results from all your advertising efforts? If this sounds like you let me land you a hand, and help you learn some free and easy ways to promote your business.

Not many people know how well free advertising really works. They hear the word free and the first thing that pops into their mind is cheap, and it wont work. Well that isnt really all that true. Ive made a good amount of profits with my business just by using completely free traffic. Sure some of it will be useless junk, but that doesnt mean its all going to be junk.

So where are the hot free advertising places, and how can you use them to your advantage? My number favorite free advertising method is simply placing a link in my signature on message boards. I spend about twenty minutes a day just talking on message boards. While I get a lot of great information I also respond to a lot of people, and every time I leave a reply message you can see my signature link. Believe it or not this really does work. You will be amazed how many people see your link.

Another good little trick I like to do is have my signature in my e-mails. This is a great method to use when you e-mail people. Leave a simple signature so every time you e-mail someone they have a link back to your website. What I do is I will reply back to those nasty spam and bulk e-mails. Why? Because it sends it to someone, and you never know what will happen.

One other technique I use to generate free traffic is traffic swarm. For the little time and effort I put into traffic swarm it pays off in a huge way. Traffic Swarm is easy to setup, and anyone can create an account in just a few short minutes.

Everyday all you have to do is surf traffic swarm for about twenty minutes and build up about one hundred credits and your good to go for the day. Out of those credits you will usually get a good ten or so visits to your site per day. Depending on what your ad says you might even get more.

These are some fun, easy, and free ways to draw traffic to any website you might own. Always remember free traffic is better then no traffic.

About the Author:
Chris Rohrer has been earning a full-time income online for over 2 years. He has helped mentor and train others how to work online and earn an extra income. For more information on how Chris can help you work online visit

Posted By Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Starting A Home Business Can Be Fun

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

There are many reasons that you might want to start a home business. If you are good at something or if you have something that you can offer to others, a home business is a great way to make money in order to support yourself while you are doing as much for others as you possibly can. If you want to start a home business, here are some tips to make sure that it goes over smoothly.

First of all, make sure that it is something you are interested in. This is quite important because this business is going to take up a lot of your time and energy, especially at the very beginning. It is very important that you are embarking on an adventure that you are actually going to enjoy. Often, when someone starts up a home business, they need to work for many hours each day to get the business off the ground and up and running. If you can make sure that you are starting up a business in an area that interests you, you are going to find that you are having a much better time making this a reality for yourself.

Also, you should remember that your business should be completely planned out before you start to work on it. You need to know if it is going to be something that you can do on your own or if you are going to need help from employees. You should be able to find out if you can structure your time around your business or if you are going to have to make adjustments to your schedule.

Make sure that you have all of the contracts worked up, and that you have all of the tax information squared away before you even begin to market your business or sell a product or perform a service. You should make sure that you are getting everything set up first because this is the best way to make sure that you are making the most out of your time.

Last, remember to have fun! The best part of owning a home business is to make sure that you are having fun and that you are enjoying yourself. The only way that you can truly be independent and truly love what you are doing is if you make it something that is enjoyable for you, and if you have fun with it. That is the way to truly enjoy work and to enjoy the way that you are making your living. Remember that this is something that will hopefully be with you for a long time to come, so you should make it count and do the best that you can do!

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Setting Up An Online Store

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

It seems like online stores are all the rage lately. There are many places online where you can buy things and where you can make other types of purchases. There are sites that sell new items, sites that sell old items, and sites that sell a combination of the both. If you want to work at home, and you are thinking of setting up an online store in order to do so, there are several things that you might want to keep in mind as you embark on this adventure.

First of all, you should choose goods that you have an interest in. If you are a big book reader, for instance, maybe you should sell used books online. If you have another interest, try to figure out a way to work your interests into your online store. This is important because you are going to be able to take control over your online store and make sure that you are selling what you want to sell, and if it is something that you are interested in, chances are good that you are going to find yourself more involved.

After you have decided what your online store is going to be selling, you need to figure out where you should get your products. Are you going to buy them around your town, or are you yourself going to order them online? Wherever you are getting your products from, you have to make sure that you are able to get products cheap. The best way to make sure that you are going to make a profit is to try to buy items in bulk so that you have many of them. Often you’ll be able to buy items much more cheaply if you buy a lot of them at once, and shipping costs will be reduced, as well. Then, you can sell the items individually to buyers online and make a profit that way. Since a person is only buying one item, they will pay more for it than you paid for it when you bought it in bulk.

Now you are ready to set up your store. You need an online space with a name that you can easily have people remember, and then you need to begin the marketing. Try to do as much as possible so that your name and your address are in as many places as they can be. Once you have started to get some business, you can continue to sell items and get even more business. The key to being successful is having a product that people want and being able to market it in a way that is going to make you money in the end.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The right web design look and feel - Does it matter?

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

This might seem like an obvious statement. Of course the look and feel of my web site matters but how much does it actually matter and what can I do to improve my web design interface?

Many companies are constantly tweaking their web site with a view to capturing the attention of potential customers. Although not all web sites are commercial in nature, the majority of web site owners are targeting potential customers with the ultimate aim of securing online leads and sales.

Having a pretty web design is nice but it is no guarantee to converting visits into leads and sales. On what basis then should web designers set the look and feel of a web site and how are they monitoring the results of the web design look and feel on visitor's behaviour?

Whilst the web offers massive sales opportunities, it takes specialist knowledge and constant research and web design intervention to actually secure orders online. Getting traffic to your web site is important. Search engine optimisation to improve your web site's organic ranking on search engines and pay per click will get you traffic. But traffic alone will not fetch you sales. You could literally have hundreds of visits to your web site and end up with no leads at the end of the day. If you are paying for your clicks, it could be a big waste of money.

The average web surfer i.e. your potential web design customers spends about 10 seconds on your web site. That is a very short time but it is the only window of opportunity you might have to sell your web design services and products to that potential customer. Putting together the web design solution that will work and deliver this tall order is the key to a successful web design business or any business for that matter.

You cannot beat marketing research in planning any selling tools and you do not have to be a marketing guru to start thinking marketing. Start by deciding which segment of the web design market you want to target. Is it the discount low cost segment or are you more into the corporate web design sector? Selling discount web design through a corporate sophisticated web site might put the potential low budget customers off. Conversely, corporate customers looking for an expensive, high end and sophisticated web design would expect their supplier to have a corporate web site.

Once you have established which segment of the web design market you are serving and decided on the 'discount' or corporate look, start looking at the web design elements and where these fit on your homepage.

A good starting point to putting together an effective web page that works is research on the behaviour of web surfers. Try typing 'heat map' into Google and look for 'Where should I place Google ads on my page?' The web site offers some indication of the 'hot spots' on a web page i.e. the areas where web visitors are most likely to spend time looking. Use this as a first step in putting together your web design. Try placing your key product offers and contact details in the hottest spots of the heat map - showed as bright orange on the heat map.

Once our web site is online, no amount of reading can beat a good testing procedure for your web design. Get your web site online and start analysing what's happening. Look at your basic stats like number of visits. Then start looking a bit deeper into your stats using some analytic tools to check the effectiveness of your web design.

Google offers some free analytics tools that allow you to easily find out which links visitors are or are not clicking on your web page. Look at important links that are key to generating leads, like your 'request a quote button'. If these important links are being ignored, start tweaking the web design look and feel to make them more prominent and visible of on your web site. Use position (remember the heat map), bright colours and catchy words to draw the attention of your potential web design customers.

When it comes to the look and feel of your web design solution, remember that looking pretty is not enough. The web site must respond to key marketing issues like your market segment and web surfer behaviour.

The next time you visit a web page, try and see if the look and feel achieves the objectives of the web site.

About the Author: Ralph Ramah is CEO of Discount Web Design, a web design and search engine optimisation company offering affordable and effective web design solutions to business across the UK.

Posted by Jeff Houdyschell providing proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Work At Home Income Opportunities Delivered Daily

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Some call it Spam, junk mail or trash, but I look at it in a different way; work at home income opportunities. Please let me explain.

When I started to work at home I signed up for every newsletter and income opportunity that I surfed into on the Internet. Then the emails started coming, and never ended. After a short period of time I started looking at them differently. I found myself looking beyond the hype and tried to look through it back to where it came from and determine what the sender, or more importantly the writer of the message was trying to make me do.

I struggled like most everyone else starting out, but got some good advice through one of the work at home programs I joined. The advice was to build a content rich site, write articles and build a list. Well I thought easy for the guru's to say that but just how am I going to do that? Where do I get the content for my site, the ideas for articles and how do I market to my list?

So by now you might have guessed it the light went on, all that "income opportunities" junk mail I have been getting is filled full of ideas and keywords for articles. And the marketing material and sales pitches were all coming in too! Not to mention the next big ClickBank item to pitch to my list.

It started getting too easy; the guru's were sending me almost everything I needed. I didn't need to search for the next big thing to promote it was getting promoted to me, just repackage, and zip it off. My Proven Income Opportunity Blog has been neglected for a few days; no problem here is an idea in my inbox, read, do a little more research, write a quick post, ping.

I was fortunate enough to build a list relatively quickly full of others wanting to work at home. The program I joined had filled my autoresponder with a years worth of follow ups but I had no idea how to put more punch into the messages or to write broadcast messages for other income opportunities. Well guess what I learned from our spamming friends? You guessed it! Marketing 101 follow the messages, the good ones all have a pattern to pull you in and then gently nudge you where they want you to go. Others scream for "urgent" action. Learn from them just don't delete it!

Some say the work at home Internet business is the hardest and most competitive Internet marketing niche, it may be but it also has the most material available to use to your advantage. It used to hate checking my email because my curiosity would have me reading all the hype and clicking links to find the easy money. But now my curiosity takes me there because I want to learn how to make real money.

Learning how to promote work at home income opportunities is pretty easy if you know where to look, check your trash.

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Saturday, March 03, 2007

What Is GDI? Global Domains International

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

If you are looking for an easy, inexpensive income stream to add to your existing website, or a way to get started making money online, then you have just come across something that has the power to change your life for the better, forever. Have your own website? Then by just adding a little banner to your website, you can add another income stream to your portfolio with very little effort on your part.

This is a no-brainer for anyone with a website. And for those of you with a large list? You are throwing away money every day you don’t share this with them!

This product has an incredibly high retention rate! Why? Because it has mass appeal. Even if someone uses it just for sharing pictures online with family and friends, you have a customer for life! Once someone builds their own website and has their own domain name they rarely if ever drop out.

Global Domains International, Inc., a Fortune 500 company, is the worldwide domain name registry for all .ws (Dot WS) domain names. Our product is an incredible $10 per month package that includes your own domain name, hosting accounts, and up to ten email accounts, plus an easy-to-use online web site builder that will allow you to get a professional looking web site on the web as quickly as possible. And the best thing is, you can try out everything we have to offer, starting today, for FREE.

We offer a week-long free trial of our entire package, no strings attached.

Ways You are Compensated

5-Level Uni-Level Compensation

This is our standard compensation plan that ALL affiliates qualify for, even those who are still in their free trial period. Basically, you are paid $1 per month, per domain, that is registered in your 5 level network. A uni-level compensation plan is the most simple plan in network marketing, and the key to our quick growth.

You are not limited by width. You can refer as many people as you want to, and so can those people that you refer, and so on. Here’s an example. You refer 5 people to our product/program. That pays you $5 per month. No big deal? Hang on, you’ll see the power of this. Each of those 5 people then refer 5 of their own, so you’re now getting paid an additional $25 per month on your “second level”.

Each of those 25 can refer as many as they want, but for consistency we’ll say that they too refer 5 each. That’s $125 in monthly commissions on your 3rd level. If the trend continues, you’ll have $625 in monthly commissions on your 4th level, and $3,125 in monthly commissions on your 5th level. That’s a total of over $3,900 in monthly commissions for referring 5 people, and then teaching those people how to do the same and assisting them in growing their own organizations. Keep in mind that nobody is limited in how many people they can refer.

Some of our affiliates personally refer hundreds of other affiliates. Just a couple of these “go-getters” in your organization can really blow your income off the charts.

Earn an UNLIMITED Number of $100 Bonuses Each Week By Simply Referring FIVE New Confirmed Affiliates in a 7-day Contest Period. You read that correctly!

For every 5 paid affiliates you refer in a one week period, you’ll earn a $100 cash bonus. There is no limit! Refer 25 new paid affiliates in one week and you’ll earn $500!

What Are You Waiting For ? Get Started Today Click Here!

WEBSITE.WS -Your Internet Address For Life

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:


Friday, March 02, 2007

More Problems Associated With Being Self Employed

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Do you have the right personality to be self employed? If you are determined, driven to achieve your goal, and able to keep your vision in the crosshairs at all times, then you will most likely be on your way. If less than complimentary clients and even those who harshly criticize your ideas do not deter you from trying, but perhaps are actually spurring you on to try even harder, then you are most certainly on your way to success. Yet what about the financial ability to see it through – are you ready? Can you weather an equipment failure, loss of data, and the need for upgraded equipment without having to resort to using your personal credit cards? Are you able to survive if one or more client do not pay you one time but leave you hanging for a few months?

If you answered yes to the first two questions you may be well on your way to self employment, yet you are not quite there! There are still some problems associated with being self employedthat you need to be aware of before bidding farewell to your boss. Perhaps one of the biggest fear factors is the IRS. These initials are sufficient to drive the fear of doing business into even the most hardened entrepreneurs, and you may be no exception. After all, you will need to be meticulously organized and instead of only paying taxes once a year, you will find yourself at the taxman’s office every quarter. Furthermore, you will need to be prepared to pay your Medicare and FICA and up that point in time of being self employed, it was your boss’ responsibility to do so. Before dismissing that guaranteed paycheck, make sure you will be able to traverse the narrow path the IRS has set forth for the self employed.

On a personal note, self employment for those with family is fraught with another set of problems. A steady paycheck keeps a family well supported and many money worries at bay, while self employment may be more akin to times of feast or famine. Are your family members willing to help you achieve your dream of being self employed? Do they understand the implications of no longer being able to count on the bi-weekly direct deposit in the bank account? It is imperative that everyone involved knows what the changes will mean and get on board with you. Failure to paint an honest picture will result in misunderstandings, feelings of betrayal, and such an increase in strife that you will find yourself scouring the help wanted ads simply to keep peace in the family. Sorting this out ahead of time ensures that everyone is on the same page and ready and willing to support your dream and perhaps even make it their own!

About the Author:
Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

How Google Measures Link Popularity

Copyright © Jeff Houdyschell

Link popularity is by far the most important factor for determining your search engine ranking. You need to know what link popularity is, why it is so important, and how Google measures your link popularity (over 50% of all search engine traffic comes from Google, and if you can rise to the top of Google, you will rise to the top of all the other search engines as well). But, before we talk about how Google measures linking, we need to cover some basics.

Link popularity is defined as the number of sites that are linking to your site. Some websites have thousands or even millions of sites linking to them, while others might have only a few. The search engines use the number of inbound links your site has as a measure of how important your site is, which translates into your search engine ranking.

The actual number of links to your site is not the only variable used to calculate your link popularity. The search engines also examine the relevance of the links to the subject matter of your site. For example, if a website that sells vitamins has 4,000 inbound links, but the source of most of the links are websites that have nothing to do with vitamins, then the algorithm that search engines use to determine link popularity will take that into account, and the link popularity score will not be very good.

It is possible for a website with a relatively small number of quality inbound links to be ranked higher than a site with a bunch of irrelevant or insignificant links. If I have a website that offers quotes for auto insurance, and I have 800 quality inbound links, then I might receive a much higher search engine ranking than another mortgage site that has 3,000 links that stem from link farms or Free For All (FFA) pages.

If you try to acquire inbound by using link farms or FFA pages, not only will it hurt your search engine ranking, but you might get permanently removed from the search engine listings. Links farms are sites where you can instantly exchange links with all the sites listed in that directory. FFA pages are pointless link directories. The search engines usually discount any links that come from either of these sources.

Now that we understand what link popularity is and how it works, we need to look specifically at how Google measures it. Google uses a number of variables in their algorithm to calculate your overall link score. The higher your score, the higher you will be ranked in the search listings.

One factor that Google uses in their algorithm, obviously, is the total number of sites linking to you. The more links you have, the higher your score will be. However, their algorithm is a little more complicated than that, and it is possible for a website with fewer links to be ranked higher than a website that has more links.

The reason for this is because Google also measures the quality of your links. If your website is about vitamins, and the site linking to you is a video game site, then that is not considered a quality link. The link still helps your score, but the link would help your score much more if it were from a website whose subject matter is the same as yours.

Also, Google gives a higher score to a link if it comes from a page that has actual content that relates to your keywords. For example, if your site is about jewelry, and another jewelry website has posted a link to your site on their links page, that link is not as valuable as a link to your site coming from a blog or a message board where a lot of information about jewelry is being written or discussed.

Also, Google gives an even higher score to a link if it contains anchor text that matches one of the keywords that describes your site. For example, if I have a site that sells lawnmowers, and a blog about lawnmowers has posted a link to my site, it helps my score even more if the link text (also known as anchor text) is LAWNMOWERS. To learn more about anchor text, go to a search engine and look up ANCHOR TEXT and you will be able to learn about it.

Another factor used by Google to score your link popularity is the diversity of keywords contained on sites linking to you. For example, if you have a site that sells handbags, and all the links to your site are from other sites that contain nothing but the keyword HANDBAGS, Google considers that to be abnormal. To get a higher score, you need to have links coming from sites that contain a variety of keywords related to handbags, such as BUY HANDBAGS, LEATHER HANDBAGS, etc.

It is difficult to increase your link popularity, but now that you understand how your score is calculated, you can devise a plan to improve your score. You might want to consider posting to forums and blogs that contain information that is related to your site, and when you post, include a link to your site. As long as you are persistent and tailor your strategy towards Google, you will do fine.

About the Author: Jim Pretin is the owner of, a service that helps programmers create a free web form with the code to email the web form responses.

Posted Jeff Houdyschell, who provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information for the best work at home jobs, visit:
